Dear Saints,
We are not as those who tremble at what is transpiring in the world. Rather, we know that our God is still in control, and our eyes are fixed on Him. Because of His faithfulness, we are secure and confident in our positioning by Him. Hedged about by His divine grace, He is always there to protect, keep and strengthen us, and we are prepared to stand obediently for Him. [Pastor]
The Spirit is doing a new thing, and we have embarked upon new territory, with the promise of the Lord’s divine wisdom in this coming season to navigate and take dominion of the uncharted territory that lies ahead. We will hear the voice of the Lord and obey, arising victoriously as sons of the Most High God. [Teacher]
May the Spirit of God’s Truth be released to breathe upon us and those yet to be revealed, and may there be a demonstration of His power, authority, wisdom and love as we stand firm and confident in the destiny to which He has called us. He directs us by His ways on the path that He has chosen, and we listen to hear, This is the way, walk ye in it …. [Evangelist]
Covered by His blood, as sons we stand guard to shore up the means of advancement, positioned and ready for breakthrough, and well-equipped to accomplish all that is needed for the season ahead. [Apostle]
Beckoning us to commune with Him in a new way, we surrender to our heavenly Father, finding new depths in Him. In our ongoing dedication to serve Him, and consecrated to His plan, He releases the directives of His purpose, and we are assured that our words are in partnership with that which He is doing. [Prophet]
Grace and peace to all the Saints!
The Interpretation Group
The Saints Network—The Father’s Church, Dallas, Texas
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First Saturday Prayer Insights Report
August 2021
God is positioning His Saints. In life, proper positioning determines success or failure. In the scriptures, secure and confident positioning is vital for serving the Lord. We must not be as those who tremble at what is transpiring in the world. Rather, we must know that our God is in control, and we must prepare and stand obediently for Him.
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As we’ve embarked upon new territory, while it’s invigorating, it’s also daunting and unfamiliar. I sought the Lord for help. I soon sensed the incredible promise of His divine wisdom in this coming season. I felt the deep beckoning to pursue the boundless measures of creativity, to press in and tap the Source, and to expect it to flow flawlessly and perfectly as needed. I heard the Spirit say He would do a new thing and to expect the unexpected, as we navigate and take dominion of the uncharted territory that lies ahead.
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To facilitate breakthrough, we must remember that the enemy is hindered by divine grace that creates a hedge around our spiritual life and a divine providence about our natural lives. Satan could not afflict Job without permission from God first asked and obtained and then no further than he had leave. It is a limited power that the devil has. We also recognize that the enemy seized the opportunity and brought upon him four afflictions in the course of one day. He lost oxen, sheep, camels, servants, and his ten children. There were seven sons and three daughters feasting when the great wind from the wilderness destroyed the house they were in. It was a time of feasting and much merriment for Job’s family. It was an extraordinary occasion for Job offered more sacrifices than usual one for each child. He did not know what was going to befall him. Job was a man of integrity and holiness at all times.
One that serves God will serve Him continually. We know the end of Job’s story and the great rebirth that resulted. We move forward in jubilant anticipation for our nation to be renewed and restored. The enemy’s tactics have not changed for he used people devoted to evil and destruction and the weather to fulfill his demonic plans for Job. As we pass through the gates into the harvest, we arm ourselves with knowledge and revelation from our heavenly Father to stop or turn forecasted dire events for the good. May we have the faith and fortitude to hear and obey the voice of the Lord in our intimate commune with Him to arise as sons of the Most High God to be victorious!
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While in prayer I received this word “Explosion”. We have come out of a season of commune with the Father. We are positioned and ready to breakthrough. We are well equipped to accomplish all that is needed for this season ahead. We are positioned at the gates ready to move into the new. As the Saints move forward, we are covered by the blood of Jesus. Sons are well equipped, our lamps are filled with oil. We are waiting in the midnight hour, positioned with our Father to welcome the kingdom. Many are waiting for the Father’s timing to go forward.
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Finding depth in surrender.
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I felt like we need to remember the faithfulness of the Lord through our journey and as we remember, faith, hope and love are restored. In the midst of trouble, remembering the faithfulness of the Lord gives strength to carry on.
I prayed in the chambers for a time and kept hearing ‘the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the seas’.
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I came to prayer early yesterday. I felt the Lord say, “worship with the banner”. I began worshipping, and after a while I laid proskuneo and began praying in divers tongues, I received new tongues.
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I felt the Father’s presence come over me and He felt so close. As I had this time of commune with Him, I felt that He wants to pour out His love to the Saints at the seminar and wants to commune with them in a new way. They need to come with their spirits and hearts ready so He can pour out His Spirit and love to them!
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I sensed the Lord’s presence in His capacity as Yahweh, and I knew as I prayed in diversities of tongues, that I was partnering with Him in His immediate intended plan for the earth.
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I saw vertical slats of light in the midst of shadows. Each slat was like a line of time on God’s timetable, where His progression of truth was released. I was thanking God for His sequence of truth/light and partnering with those that are yet to be revealed.
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Psalm 32:8 I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go; I will guide thee with mine eyes. God is asking us to wisely understand the flow of this road we are currently on and He will continue to direct us by His ways.
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child I the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Our ongoing dedication to serve our heavenly Father will assure that our words will always be in partnership/conjunction with what He is doing in that moment.
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I saw a clay vessel being formed. It was water-tight and meant to contain and preserve. This same vessel was taken by the One Who made it, in order to reshape it to make it a vessel to distribute its contents. It is our design, as sons, to not only offer ourselves for reshaping by our Father’s hand, but to take responsibility to distribute to others what has been poured into us. Romans 9:22-24 22 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: 23 And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory, 24 Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles? Mercy is about our intimate relationship, wherein God releases the directives of His purpose to us for use in the gates.
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[A picture was submitted of a fortified bridge with the words]: “God will always be there to protect us.” But this is also a picture of sons standing guard to shore up the means of advancement with the new thing that is on God’s heart.
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I saw the saints journeying along a narrow path. The path was taking us upon higher ground. We needed to pay close attention to the correct way to walk upon this path. Then I saw angels walking behind and beside us. As we were moving forward, they were giving us instructions and discernment on how to walk accordingly within the path. The saints had on robes that were light blue upon them. Their robes glowed that helped to light the path in front of them. They walked in great humility.
Then I got this scripture:
Isaiah 30:21-23 KJV 21 And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left. 22 Ye shall defile also the covering of thy graven images of silver, and the ornament of thy molten images of gold: thou shalt cast them away as a menstruous cloth; thou shalt say unto it, Get thee hence. 23 Then shall he give the rain of thy seed, that thou shalt sow the ground withal; and bread of the increase of the earth, and it shall be fat and plenteous: in that day shall thy cattle feed in large pastures.
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I visualized the drops of blood Jesus shed on the cross touching the ground. Ultimate dominion was forever established over the earth. His blood will ultimately overcome fire, flood, disease, and all global catastrophes.
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More angelic activity throughout the world. In Isaiah it says God sent out angel armies to do battle for the Israelites. I asked the Father to do the same thing today as He did then. In Ecclesiastes 1:9, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” NIV
We expect a reprieve or victory over evil for the time being. When God says it’s His end time, then so be it. We do not know God’s time table. Even Jesus said only His Father knew when the end will come.
God is saying to those who need a physical healing, to speak to our spirit to tell the soul and body to repair the area affected. and return to normal or at least the way we were when born.
Also take communion every day. When we receive communion, it is His body, It is His blood. He will do it as He is present in the elements through faith. Without faith we cannot please Him. (Hebrews 11:6)
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The Harvest is in progressing, I have been declaring these verses, Lord is raising His people consecrated to His Plan,
Ezekiel 36-37.38
Thus says the Lord Adonai, God Yehova. I will increase them with men like a flock. As the holy flock, as the flock of Jerusalem in her solemn feast, so shall the waste cities be filled with flocks of men, and they shall know that I am the Lord Yehova.
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“This is the time when the remnant (the saints) will demonstrate the power, authority, wisdom, and love shown through their sanctification by the bride: the church, who will be removed after this last hour of awakening!
“The head wound to death for a while, will be after this awakening!” But it will come back to life after the rapture. And, the men who dreamed of globalization will be in awe of what will happen! This reign however will have only 7 years!
Despite the threats, let us not fear anything, let us remain positive in front of the decrees of God. Let us remain fishers of souls who still do the promised works of power! Let us know how to manage these well when they are granted to us, so that all glory be returned to Him (to Him alone!) The church still needs this demonstration!
Powers and authorities will understand through the church the infinitely varied wisdom of God!
May the Spirit of truth breathe on us now!
A miracle to have a new heart and a new Spirit! Everyone knows that it is taught by this Spirit, and that he can thus prophesy under this anointing, for it teaches excellence. Give, O God, this dimension, a spiritual people convinced that they have authority if they allow themselves to be taught by such an anointing, and, that they adhere to it in what it prophetically declare!
Tournai for Jesus! A non-religious unity, but prophetic unity for our city! If we have been led by the same Spirit, we are truly grateful! May this encourage all of us to stand firm and confident in our destiny!
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A woman giving birth to a child
Rivers of living water
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Luke 21 :36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
Revelation 3 :10 Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
-Watching and praying at all times will fill us with STRENGTH to escape the things of the end times mentioned by Jesus in Luke 21
-Keeping the word of perseverance will keep us (ek in Greek put us out) from the things of the end and the judgment that will fall on the world
1 John 2 :28 And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.
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I was just encouraged to fix my eyes on the Lord, my only help.
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August 2021 – Summary
Greetings Saints!
Like a supplication, the intercession of the Saints has gone up to the Father so that He keeps us in His holiness for He is holy! In His grace, He positions us for the breakthrough and clothes us with His anointing so that we can operate in the authority of the sons. (Pastor)
As Saints and sons, consecrated to accomplish the will of the Father, we remain vigilant and flexible in our intercession, not allowing our thoughts or desires to override the intention of the Spirit, ready to stop us and be silent in anticipation of what God wants to do. (Teacher)
In the midst of the darkness and confusion of this world, the Lord purifies the eyes of our heart and what in us needs to be transformed, so that walking resolutely in humility towards what He has promised, He will make shine upon us the brilliance of the Spirit of Glory. (Prophet)
Positioned by His grace as His army to take back from the enemy what is ours, we intercede alongside the heavenly armies in the power of the Spirit, including in our intercession those who had strayed and must return to their calling. (Evangelist)
The Lord develops us in patience so that even though nothing seems to be happening, we continue to move forward in the fullness of His purpose, operating together in unity and love and in the function that He planned for this time. (Apostle)
… this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:13,14
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August 2021 – Report
I received an image of the saints in a circle moving in unity and love.
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I was made very aware of the moment that we, the saints are in, at the moment. Lord keep us vigilant so that we do not lose ground, let us continue to move forward in Grace pressing into the fullness and purpose and function that You Lord desire of us in these times.
I was led to read and reflect upon,
Philippians 3:12-15 12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. 13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. 15 Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and if in any thing ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.
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I was in a room where there was a table, the Lord was speaking with a person that had a hood and was to His left. I prayed that the Lord would keep us in His holiness. Behind the Lord, still in this room, was a cloud of purple color rising. We received an oil on our shoulders which became shiny like gold.
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I received Be holy because I am holy : Leviticus 19:2. Then I received that the Lord wanted to wash our eyes so that we can see, I had to heart this passage where Jesus mixes His saliva with the dust of the ground to apply it to the eyes of the blind man:
John 9: 6: When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay,
Then, the Spirit showed me that in this atmosphere of contestation in which confusion takes hold of the world, in the midst of all this darkness shines the Glory of God and that we must see, like Caleb who has discerned the potential of Canaan. This is why the Lord purifies the eyes of our heart. I saw people come back toward the saints, people who had taken a distance, from whom God had taken us away, like Joseph in Egypt, when his brethren came back to Him at the time of the famine.
At the end of the intercession, I saw the saints with sticks in their hands, we beat the earth with our sticks, the prayer generated a warlike rhythm and I was aware that we were then accompanied by a heavenly army. without really discerning it. All of a sudden we stopped in complete silence, waiting for what God will be going to do.
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After praying a while in the Spirit with no insight at all, I felt the Father was asking me to be still and wait on Him. I did this and still nothing, I tried to pray in tongues again but felt He still wanted me to be still, this then happened a second time so I remained still and waited, trying to keep my mind quiet and focused on Him. Still nothing. Then, after some time, He suddenly made me understand that He wants patience from me. Patience. Not just in this prayer time where nothing seems to be happening, but also in other major areas of my life. And above all, I must not try to force the situation where I feel nothing is happening (no love apples). As soon as I understood this He released me to pray in tongues again.
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While I expected to receive something from the Lord, He simply He simply put His finger on things that needed to be purified in me and drew my attention to the inherent humility of the intercessor’s voice. It seems to me that the Lord is making sure that we are in the right position to move forward and be able to make the breakthrough in this very special season when we must be ready to function fully in our calling as saints.
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