Teaching handout Listen:
Network Teachers
Episode Archives
Network Teachers Episode 264 | An Acceptable Time by Nancy Dushion
Teaching handout Listen:
Network Teachers 263 | Unanimously by Pastor A. Lacy
With one accord, we with one mind and one passion will sacrifice all for His purpose. We will fiercely stand and raise one voice in this crucial time frame! Handout Listen:
Network Teachers Episode 262 | Authority by Tricia Burke
Teaching handout Listen:
Network Teachers Episode 261 | #Second Mile by Ceci Collins
Teaching handout Listen:
Network Teachers 260 | Only by Pastor A. Lacy
Emotions have a direct affect on our natural and spiritual lives. As sons, it is critical that we wait upon the heart of God. We must know AND partner with our Father. He ONLY is our rock and our salvation. Handout Listen:
Network Teachers Episode 258 | Anxiety by Les Terrill
Teaching handout Listen:
Network Teachers 257 | The Gift of God by Adrienne Smith
The Gift of God is a grace opportunity to move with His Spirit and receive the living water that restores power to function in our identities as sons. This allows us to embrace the calling of the Lord released in His temple and see its mission accomplished on the...
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