February 2024
Greetings Saints,
The month of February has been honored among the Saints Network as the month of the evangelist. During this month, we have traditionally welcomed the fullness of the five-fold mind of Christ as it applies to this powerful capacity of grace and power.
The evangelist welcomes and makes way for the apostolic intent of the Throne of God. We desperately desire the remedies of grace and the dunamis of function in our lives and ministries. In our upcoming Network Seminar, and in the ministries laid before us throughout this year, we need the fullness of His mind to direct and inspire us. A true evangelist will be the messenger of our heavenly Father, not as an angel but as a son of the Most High.
As we gather together for prayer on Saturday, February 3, let us ask God for this magnificent capacity of His divine mind, to welcome grace remedies in preparation for the apostolic, and to initiate the power of function and purpose in our midst and throughout the world. We need Him, and we long for His will and ways.
At the conclusion of your intercession, Saints in France please submit your insights to reseaudsaints@gmail.com.
Saints in all other nations, please submit your insights to us here at saintsnet@sbcglobal.net.
The Interpretation Group
The Saints Network—The Father’s Church, Dallas, Texas