February 2024
Greetings Saints!
In the midst of an urgency in Heaven for the move of God’s Spirit in these climactic days, is a depth of His love for His saints, evident in the richness of His presence as we gathered together at His right hand. Moved by the willingness of His people, great winds of the Spirit were released from the Temple in Heaven. In these moments, gratefully we receive the power of the evangelist and great grace to move forward. [Pastor]
Our territory is being expanded. Committed with all our strength to the work of God, and faithful in His plans, we tear down enemy strongholds, rebuilding God’s stronghold in devotion to His will to establish His abiding presence. [Evangelist]
With great responsibility for places of fruitfulness, let us move in accordance with the direction of God’s Spirit, heeding the counsel of the Lord that we may function in moving in His timing. May the fullness of His mind be in our minds. [Teacher]
As lovers and warriors pursuing the heart of the Father in worship, we enter a place of peace and trust that wherever we go atmospheres will be changed. Motivated by our agape to accomplish His task, with an active zeal we go forth to achieve the new thing for the new day, confident that His mission will know its perfect completion and expected end. [Apostle]
Going forth we declare God’s present truth with authority. Let us discern enemy attempts to stop forward progression, and let our intercession deflect his attacks. We need not look to the world for supply, for our provision comes from the Father. [Prophet]
The Interpretation Group
The Saints Network—The Father’s Church, Dallas, Texas
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First Saturday Prayer Insights Report
February 2024
As I prayed with the Abba Pai church in Sao Paolo on first Saturday, I was immediately caught up into the area of God’s throne. I could sense His great love and the pleasure He feels as His children come to Him. There is an urgency in Heaven for the move of His Spirit in these climactic days. But, in the midst of the decisive alacrity of His timing, the depth of God’s love for His saints was prominent. In the Temple, I felt phenomenal release of great dimensions of His wind. I recognized how many times I have stood in that very place whilst among my home histemi. From that vantage, I could reach down into His earthly sanctuary and taste the richness of His presence there. I was made aware of how wonderful our earthly tereo place truly is, and the beauties of the histemi within it. We are one in the Spirit, and stand before the same place at His right hand, of every kindred, tribe and tongue. We do not have to wait for eternity to experience this, as we are living it right now in the natural and spiritual. God is so wonderful. We gratefully receive the power of the evangelist and great grace to move forward in these moments.
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Sensed a measure of peace today, almost as a prophetic promise of the fulfillment of the mission at hand. The tension of battle continues, but the victory is His! I find myself reaching forward, speaking “shalom, shalom” into the horizon, knowing without a shadow of doubt, no matter how things feel or appear, His mission will know its perfect completion and expected end.
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I saw the border around me expand; but as I began to walk out into the expanse, it was pitch black. I could see nothing. I was trying to feel my way around, but then the Father took my hand. I asked for the light, but He only led by the hand. As we walked, I knew He was outfitting me for this new territory. I also heard saints around me praying and I could feel the agreement and synergy of their intercession. My tongues were expanding as well. Then the Spirit began to reveal that even though I was hindered in my capacity to see, that other spiritual senses were being exercised and expanded. As I continued to explore the new territory, the Spirit impressed upon me not to worry or fear because every need would be met and abundant supply was coming.
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I received a vision while in prayer of saints worshiping with banners. At first it was just a few, then as I continued to press into the vision more began to come. They were coming in all directions carrying banners of all colors. Some were carrying the flags from their countries; they were all worshiping and praising God. As the vision began to unfold, I saw a large group of soldiers with their helmets on carrying guns. They were marching from left to right to come and partner with the ones that were worshiping and praising God. The Spirit said these are the lovers and warriors pursing the heart of the Father. It was a beautiful time with the Lord this morning.
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This is a word of exhortation when all around us is confusion and hate. Acts 14:26 Paul and Barnabas had been recommended (paradidomi – to hand over) to the grace (chais – what delights) of God for the work (ergon – deeds) which they fulfilled (pleroo – complete). There is an active zeal for the work of faith that is motivated by our agape to accomplish the ethical task God has given us to accomplish for Him. The purpose of Paul and Barnabas’s trips were to teach and deliver up orally the gospel of Christ to the Jews and Gentiles. God fulfills His Word by actualizing it. The words of His saints instructing others becomes real and concrete giving reality to the Spirit of God, and when combined with His marvelous grace the believer is lifted to a higher place in God. This spiritual process is cyclical growing and multiplying again and again just like the loaves and fishes. Daily we must be fine-tuned to accomplish the new thing for the new day our Father desires to be fulfilled through us!
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As I prayed this morning, I sensed a progression of the Father’s will taking place in the spirit realm; territory being taken, and the Father’s purpose being established.
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The Lord highlighted Psalm 144 to me. David started by blessing the Lord for teaching his hands to war, but as you read on, he is not talking about the battlefield here, but about worship. He asks the Lord to fight from the heavens against those who speak vanity and have a right hand of falsehood while he sings a new song with his harp. The result he expects is for his sons and daughters to fulfill their destiny and that there would be no lack of provision and peace in the streets. Isn’t that what we all want? I feel like this is a strategy for this season. If we are agitated by what is happening around us, we can’t bring peace to our home or anyone around us, but if we enter the place of peace and trust that worship carries us into, we can and will shift the atmosphere around us wherever we go.
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During first Saturday prayer, I experienced a breakthrough, and a deliverance that the Lord has been building on, and working towards in my life for the last 4 years.
I had a vision that was incredibly personal in nature, yet The Father has assured me that it is for us all in this season. That we all begin anew.
I declare that the hidden things that would keep us from going forth would be revealed. I declare that anything that would cause a measure of failed Grace to occur in our lives as we serve the Most High would be rooted out and removed from us. I pray that there would be no gall or guile found in us.
May we be those firstfruits individuals that breathe hard after the Father. May we go forth in His winds. May we abide in and establish the abiding presence of God wherever we are called to be. May we be those who overcome in Grace. Not those who fail in it. May we be those who go forth from the presence of God to establish and build up everywhere we go.
May hope and M’nuwchah rest within our very being. Amen.
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At one point during prayer, my spirit began to rise up going through an atmosphere that seemed like clouds that were white then gray followed by a mixture of gray and white through a mist like atmosphere. I kept going up higher and higher and was in an area in which I have never been before. I saw an object that resembled a mountain peak or pointed boulder/rock coming up through the cloud like mist below it. I saw Pastor standing on the pointed rock formation and looking out over the vast area that surrounded him. The setting and area reminded me of where/when Jesus was taken by the devil and shown all the kingdoms of the world; however, the Spirit was allowing me to see where God, not the enemy, had placed Pastor. Pastor was looking out over the nations to which God is calling the saints.
Matthew 4:8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.
There were also objects floating around in the distance that I knew represented attacks the enemy would launch against Pastor to try to stop the progression forward. Pastor will understand the attacks that are being launched against him but will not be derailed by them as intercessors deflect these attacks that they will discern in prayer. God then began to speak about certain intercessors and their important position and placement in intercession. They are key in deflecting attacks by the enemy against Pastor and praying for the progression forward of the saints. Certain intercessors are called to discern, deflect and stand against attacks aimed at Pastor.
I saw the saints in a fenced in area with nothing but green grass. The fence was composed of only three wires which were easy to crawl through or under. On the other side of the fence was a garden of beautiful vegetables and fruit trees surrounding the fenced area where the saints were. This area represented the world that would try to supply all our needs and desires so the saints would crawl through the fence to obtain what they needed or wanted. God wants the saints to look to Him for provision and to fulfill their needs in the days ahead and not crawl under the fence to obtain what they need in the world.
He revealed the covering over the saints that was keeping them hidden. It seemed to be made of a transparent mesh like screening or veil like covering. It remained covering all the saints until there appeared a small opening that was allowing several saints to begin going through. They look like a column rising up in streams of colors in the rainbow representing the seven Spirits. God is not entirely removing his covering that keeps the saints still hidden at this time but is beginning to peel back these openings. When saints go forth to the nations, they are not hidden any more.
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Stand firm and prepare the way of the Lord. I have set you at my right hand and commissioned you to go forth throughout the world declaring my present truth. My dunamis power will carry you and sustain you. I will fill your mouth with my words and when you speak, you will speak with my full authority and all the world will know that the I Am has sent you. The earth will tremble, and the mountains will shake as I make the crooked ways straight. Every place your feet trod, my righteousness will prevail. Do not faint and do not grow weary. Again, my strength is your strength, and it will sustain you. The time is now. Rejoice! Again, I say rejoice for the King is coming! I have prepared new robes for you, robes of righteousness. All you need to do is have faith and stand firm. I am with you, as always, to the very end.
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I saw us upon a path that as we would move according to the direction of the Holy Spirit the path would light up. The Lord was giving us counsel along the path. When we heeded. we had great function in moving in the timing of the Lord. There is great responsibility for the place of fruitfulness He is requiring of us.
Proverbs 4:18-27 But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day. The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble. My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh. Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee. Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil.
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Hebrews 10:16-17 16 This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; 17 And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. Lord, write the fullness of Your mind in our minds.
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I saw a partial tower before me. It reminded me of the Eiffel, in that it was only a framework of a structure…. about half of its intended size. It looked like it had been burned because it was charred black and residual smoke smoldered from it. Initially, the atmosphere around the burnt structure was dim and dull, but a light blue sky appeared – brilliant in color – and the tower was transformed to its full height. It was now covered in a white covering of solid materials that completely hid the structural framework. I sensed this was a picture of the after-effects of demolishing a critical enemy stronghold in an area that had been under its total influence and control. And now I was witnessing the rebuilding of God’s stronghold by those who are devoted to HIS will.
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Psalme.118.14-16 The Lord Yah is my strength and song, and is my salvation. The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacle of the righteous. The right hand of the Lord Yéhovah does valiantly. The right hand of the Lord Yehovah is exalted. The right hand of the Lord Yehovah does valiantly.
Let us be faithful in His Plans.
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We are sensing the times of the end, so we must commit to work for God with all our strength.
People are filled with the cares of life, but how can they believe unless someone tells them the way to true life.
God is releasing an anointing to free minds to think properly and believe. This will also free people from anxiety, depression and fear.
The heavens were opened during the time of prayer. Declaration was made by an angel, as the heart of God was moved by the willingness of His people. Great winds of the Spirit were being released from the Temple in heaven.
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February 2024 – Summary
It is in a unique atmosphere charged with His fire and presence, and in ardent pursuit of His breath, that the intercession of the saints has ascended to the Father, like the offering of sons dependent on Him, whose ultimate desire is to let themselves be shaped and prepared for mission. (Pastor)
Aware that we are nothing without Him in the midst of opposition and deserted places, His grace is enough to keep us going, for in our weakness He makes us strong, thus becoming the remedy of grace for the army of saints positioned to advance together in faith, humility and obedience. (Teacher)
In this time of expansion when the Spirit sharpens and develops our spiritual senses, our intercession is enriched by all these new perceptions and the Lord equips His saints throughout the nations, pouring out His provision, unleashing new dimensions of His creativity. His promise is fulfilled as young, dedicated and consecrated Elisha arise, witnesses to His faithfulness. (Prophet)
Praying that pneumatikos principles will be understood and applied in the nations, we stand in the breach for restoration, believing that what He gives us to experience in His grace are the beginnings of a demonstration of His power that will pour out upon the nations and prepare the ground for the apostolic message. Our hearts exult with songs and cries of joy as rivers of living water flow from our bosoms! (Evangelist)
As partners of the Spirit in intercession, His message grows in secret until it produces, in His own time, a harvest beyond what we could have conceived, thus manifesting the Father’s original intention to establish His kingdom in and through those who receive it, generating spiritual growth that brings life and fruitfulness to the nations that have chosen to embrace His breath (Apostle).
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February 2024 – Report
The Lord led me to 2 Corinthians 12: 9-10
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then I am strong.
This is a time of being very aware of my weakness, and vulnerability in the midst of opposition and difficulties and crying out to Him, knowing His Grace is the only way to go through, completely dependent upon Him in every situation. It has to be Him.
There is a longing to pursue Him, to know Him deeply, and the depths of His Grace. Only He will do, only He will be enough. He alone is my sufficiency.
To be empty of so many things so He can be the fullness. A letting go, so He can come.
He is truly showing us how to navigate difficult terrain.
He is the Grace remedy. He alone is the remedy to our lack.
Thank you Lord for this process , this journey with you.
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This time of intercession was so rich, I could feel so many things.
For example, at one point I could feel that we were standing in the TTT and that we had access to the Thesauros for the Saints’ equipment.
At another point, I was overwhelmed by intercession for the Saints of Brazil to embrace through the remedies of grace and the power of dunamis the 1st Saturday prayer and interpretation in fivefold thought.
And I was led to read Nehemiah. It’s a wonderful story that illustrates what happens when a person stands in the gap and prays to God in humility and contrition, it triggered the restoration of Jerusalem.
As we took the time to minister to the Lord, He took the time to minister to us. It was a precious time.
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It was a special time, an experience in His grace. I was seeking the Lord, His mind, His heart, thinking of the grace remedies but I felt that He was asking me to put aside thoughts and focus on Him through the diversity of tongues. It was as if I was wandering in a desert, thirsting for Him, but unable to touch Him. My heart was telling me to continue to surrender. Then, near the end of our prayer time, someone prayed for healing and suddenly faith dawned in me. A song arose whose expression traced this time of desert then the joy when faith and breakthrough emerged. I immediately thought of the rivers of living water that flow from our belly:
John 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
I feel that this prayer for healing went beyond touching one particular person, that it included all areas that could be restored and healed, announcing the Father’s intention in this season for the body of Saints to manifest and function in faith, according to His purpose and that this be passed on to our generation.
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I felt like there was something within me, below my rib cage and in the top of my stomach and it was expanding and growing in size substantially and very quickly. The only thing I could liken it to was a ball of dough doubling or tripling in size after you have added the yeast and left it to rise.
Matt 13:33 Another parable He spoke to them: “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven (zyme), which a woman took (labousa/lambano) and hid (enekrypsen) in three measures of meal till it was all leavened.
1470 egkrýptō (from 1722 /en, “in” and 2928 /krýptō, “hide, bury”) – properly, to bury (hide) within, used only of the kingdom of God as it spreads its unstoppable influence – yet is not readily detected (Mt 13:33; Lk 13:21).
The Father gave me to understand that the message of the Saints, His message that He has entrusted to us, that we have actively taken hold of, is like this yeast or leaven.
Even though we are few in number, as we take His message to the places of His choosing, it starts to do its work, hidden away, and before it is even noticeable it “leavens” a huge amount of flour (i.e. the people who receive and welcome His message) in comparison to the size of the yeast that we think we are bringing (that is, even though we know the power of His message, we are aware that we who bring it are few).
The action of this yeast in the flour then causes fast and substantial spiritual growth both in each individual and among the people as a body, beyond what we could ever imagine.
That His kingdom may come and His will be done.
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The Lord asks me to continue to follow His instructions day and night, to study His Word and to pray.
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Jason (14)
The Lord is going to use these 4 young people from Canada for His work.
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We felt the anointing and the joy of the Lord. The Father is happy. He talks about what He is going to accomplish through these young people.
Our angels rejoice to see us gather together for the Father.
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– At the beginning there were decrees that fell from the Throne; It sounded like lightning and on the earth, it made impacts like meteorites which caused fires everywhere.
– I heard the voices from below respond to the voices from above. I imitated what I saw while singing. It is the intercession that surrounds the whole earth, it acts as a safety net for the earth.
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– At the beginning it was the army that stood up and started marching and we uttered war cries. This army prepared the ground so that when the evangelists came to proclaim the good news and the Word, hearts would be willing and able to receive the Word which is Spirit and Life.
– Then I saw white leaves flying away. On it was written the Word in letters of gold.
– The cantor received an African dialect. I asked the Lord who told me it comes from Niger.
– I then returned to rest because the Lord said: “prepare yourself for the mission; rest to regain your strength.
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– I saw places on earth that were covered in thick darkness. I could see heads and shoulders trying to get out and then one after the other.
These were people who realized that they had to come out of the darkness.
– I have seen many young people tattooed from head to toe and even in the eyes.
– I saw “LGBT” and “Skinheads” who also emerged from the thick darkness.
At first, they were angry and furious and I had the impression that they were coming to hit you. But in fact, it was thanks to this rage and this hatred that they managed to emerge from the darkness. As they advanced, their skin began to shine more and more, they became translucent; we could only see the Light inside them. This Light completely transformed them from the inside. Their bodies were completely regenerated; they had like newborn skin. I saw that they were going to become the evangelists of the great harvest.
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– It started with battle cries, strategies to move forward amid pressures. Roars of the Lion of Judah which opened the way where there was none for these people who were lost and stuck in great torments, illnesses and others.
– Breaths releasing the Power of dunamis to free the atmosphere in greater Faith , repelling doubts and disbelief.
– We have been sucked into a whirlwind of Light like a wide organ pipe for breakthroughs to lift us to a new level, drawing others behind us, lifting them up like in a high-speed ascender… From one level of Fire and Judgment we could be raised to a higher level. This was the great measure of grace that uplifted us.
The Lord showed me that the provisions would come next.
Eternity was palpable.
– The Love of the Father was released in deep breaths drawing me into His heart. I could feel through the Spirit the Great suffering of her Mother’s Heart for Her sick and lost children; it was difficult to sustain because it was so immense. So, I received the Father’s bowels of mercy again. This mercy was released by the breath to impact hearts that had not received it.
It is the exit from judgment to enter into mercy and grace. Miracles will follow in the midst of a humble and obedient people.
I could see a vapor of smoke on this land of France. The Lord once again proclaimed over this formless and empty chaos “let there be Light!” » New heavens and a new earth. These were new depths.
This intercession also included supplications. Then a great Joy from heaven, a great enthusiasm, an immeasurable Faith of God which brought the sudden victory of Light over the deep darkness bringing with it the prodigal signs and miracles of healing… completely transforming people, the earth and everything what it contains. Even greater things are coming! Hallelujah!
According to Paul, the Word preached must not be based on persuasive speeches alone , but on a demonstration of the Spirit and power (1 Corinthians 2:3, 4, 5).
Jesus said that concrete signs would follow “those who believe” (Mark 16:17).
“Nothing is impossible with God” and “all things are possible to him who believes” (Mark 10:27; 9:23).
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