January 2023 | Summaries and Reports

Jan 14, 2023

January 2023

Dear Saints,

Called to the fellowship of the mystery, it is our tremendous honor and privilege to make known unto principalities and powers in heavenly places the manifold wisdom of God according to His eternal purpose in Christ Jesus our Lord! [Teacher]

Walking this narrow pathway of the Saints, His presence is before and behind us, empowering us to go forth to establish His presence throughout the earth, bringing points of breakthrough and dominion wherever He sends us.  Lives are being touched, and foundations of new sons are being laid as the Master Builder builds His church. [Evangelist]

In His presence is fullness of joy, and pleasures forevermore at His right hand.  Our fellowship is with Him, and through circumcision of our hearts, our faith is in Him and the things He reveals.  Intercession of the sons is rolling back the darkness, and the light of the Father penetrates our spirits.  Bound to Him, He is our God and we are His sons.  [Pastor]

The Glory of the Lord surrounds the houses of the Saints.  Praying in the Holy Ghost, we build our most holy faith, while partnering with the Father in His plan for restoration.  In His presence we are attuned to hear clearly even a whisper from Him, obeying whatever He speaks.  Waiting upon Him, our strength is renewed to proactively, effectively and productively work for His Kingdom. [Apostle]

Though judgment must come upon the sins of our nations, we do not fear what others fear, for our trust is in the Lord and in His plan.  He will protect and carry those who are faithful to Him. In the presence of our enemies, He prepares a table before us, restoring our souls, leading us in paths of righteousness for the sake of His purpose.  We will bless His name and speak of the glory of His Kingdom. [Prophet]

I will extol you, O Elohim, O King, and I will bless your name. … All your works shall praise you, O Lord Yehova; and your saints shall bless you. They shall speak of the Glory of your kingdom, and talk of your power; To make known to the sons of men His mighty acts, and the Glorious majesty of his kingdom. Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your domination throughout all generations. Psalm 145:1, 10-13

The Interpretation Group

The Saints Network—The Father’s Church, Dallas, Texas

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First Saturday Prayer Insights Report

January 2023

The offerings we give of ourselves, today, and at the beginning of this crucial year, in obedience to Him, will be deeply significant in the months to come.  Much like the firstfruits offering, the breath of God and His blessing will rest upon us, while also empowering us to go forth in establishing His Presence throughout the earth, bringing points of breakthrough wherever He sends us.

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The new year holds much hope and reward for His saints. Zechariah the prophet sees the man Christ Jesus with a measuring line in his hand, our Lord is the master builder of the church and builds exactly by line and level. What a marvelous promise and blessing when the breakthrough comes and many flock to our tereo.

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We also have the assurance that our church and network will be covered with a wall of fire surrounding us and His glory in our very midst as the angel told the prophet concerning Jerusalem.

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.  Isaiah 40:3.

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I was awakened at 4 am to pray today and the Spirit was active.  After 2 hours, I began my usual Bible reading time which happened to be in Jeremiah.  As I began reading, I was caught up into an encounter with the Lord, but felt I should keep reading Jeremiah aloud. I read the last 10 chapters of Jeremiah out loud while having this encounter.  This segment is about the judgments of Babylon.  Then I went to church to continue praying and assess what the Spirit was speaking.

Babylon’s judgments were due to what we see in our world today, and God’s justice would require that He hold this generation accountable as He did others. But what also stood out to me was Jeremiah’s prophecy to Baruch that his life would be given him for a prey.  A similar prophecy was given to the king’s servant who saved Jeremiah from the dry well.  I felt this was a word not to fear what others fear, but to trust that in the midst of judgments, the Lord will protect and carry those who are faithful to Him.

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Saw a small table in a room upstairs somewhere, saw a stool. I heard that the prophets are coming and they are here. The Elijahs. Saw a serpent’s flat head, eyes were hidden. I know there will be false, deceitful prophets among the prophets of God. I saw a saint dancing a restorative chuwl dance. Saw a tall edifice, a tall, mirrored wall of a skyscraper, and I thought of Jude 1:20 building our most holy faith. I believe, it’s high time some of us resumed the work in a proactive, effective and productive way for the Kingdom.

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His presence and Spirit evoked meditations of remembering His faithfulness, knowing my place, and trusting in His plan. I am thankful.

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There was such a beautiful commune with the Lord during prayer today. The Father desires for us to press into His heart, to feel His presence. There is no greater joy than to spend time with God before His throne.

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We are called to the “fellowship of the mystery” …Ephesians 3:9

I was drawn to Brazil’s flag, praying for them, and then saw them in an incredible overcoming. The principle that came to mind during prayer was David’s bravery and faith. The examples that were highlighted were when David decided to challenge Goliath, and even after he had been anointed King he became so submitted to Saul.

I see this bravery in deep faith bringing so much promotion and so much strength to the Brazilian Pastors and to all other leaders in the kingdom. These are mighty men that looked like gladiators in my prayer time. I saw them on the right and left sincerely walking in humble authority. Such an incredible resource of spiritual power and muscle, the Lord will use to flank our leadership in terrific pursuits of spiritual warfare.

Not a new Warning but … The enemy whispers about us being useless, etc., bringing doubts.

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I felt the presence of the Lord very strongly in prayer. I was interceding that we would all move forward in His presence.

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I saw us all upon a very narrow path that God has us walking with Him upon. I saw He had placed a cloud in front of us and a pillar of fire behind us.

Within those two things was the Spirit of God moving over us in a circular direction. And was speaking to us about fighting the good fight of faith as we are being led forward into a significant place of dominion in Him.

I got these scriptures:

Psalm 16:11 Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

2 Corinthians 10:3-6 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.

Exodus 13:21-22 And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night: He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.

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Micah 4. Even as the foundations of new sons are being laid, so is the promise for victory, unity and the Kingdom. I saw a fire burning through a dark, dead forest and leaving an entirely beautiful garden. The growth and light coming from it was as if each plant was emitting light and reflected from outside itself from a super bright sun, but there wasn’t one, and it was not overly bright.  It felt Lively. The garden is the people. I saw us walking with our hands open and down casually touching the plants, and it was people…. lives being touched.

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In His Presence, our sense of hearing of our Father will sharpen. Even a whisper from Him will clearly be heard and we will obey. Our trust in Him grows day by day. He is our God and we are His sons. And even still, we need MORE of our Lord God!

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I saw sons on their knees rolling back the darkness as though it were a carpet. And suddenly, bright light flooded my vision. It penetrated my spirit and brought such joy to me. Through the intensity of the light, I could just make out the Throne of God before me and I felt completed filled and satiated with the light that emanated from my Father.

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God reminded me of His cord of three and how we are connected with Him and with each other (the saints). This is our lifeline. It is perpetual and progressive. Our desire for Him is strengthened and steadfast. We are bound to Him.

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I saw a dome of God’s glory surround this house.

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On First Saturday I saw a vast unmarked plain. Tall golden grass waved in the wind. From a position on a cliff -a high place- on the leading edge of the vision, I saw a telescope, a compass and a sextant. There were charts and maps and other papers and scrolls lying about on some sort of platform, like a drafting table, and coordinates were carefully being charted. I could not see what was being viewed nor could I see who was doing the viewing. Had hoped for more detail to be released, but this is all I have.

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Intercession today is dark and enlightening at the same time; I can see stars shooting brightly and rapidly in the dark sky.

I am in Psalm 145.1,10-15, Blessing His Name,

  1. I will extol you , O Elohim, O King, and I will bless your name.
  2. All your works shall praise you, O LordYehova; and your saints shall bless you.
  3. They shall speak of the Glory of your kingdom, and talk of your power;
  4. To make known to the sons of men His mighty acts, and the Glorious majesty of his kingdom.
  5. Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your domination throughout all generations.

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January 2023 – Benin’s Report


Genesis 12:9-14 Circumcision in the OT is the attitude of a courageous heart. In spite of the promise made to Abraham, he still doubted in his heart. God demanded that he be circumcised as well as every male and every male foreigner under his care.

An “uncircumcised heart” is a heart that retains an impurity that is reprobate to the Lord.

Deuteronomy 10 :16 Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiffnecked.

Deuteronomy 3 :6 And the LORD thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live.

According to the NT, true circumcision is spiritual worship based on faith in Jesus Christ.

Philippians 3 :3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.

So for this year of breakthrough, every saint must accept that God circumcises his heart, making it strong and courageous, making it dead so that the spirit lives and finally that we have faith in what God shows us and tells us.

Philippians 3:3-21 The believer practices circumcision for faithful service. He worships by the Spirit of God, without putting his trust in the flesh. He has fellowship with a Christ who has suffered, but who is now risen and glorified. He takes possession of “the things that are before” (v. 14), and anticipates.

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– year of big promotion and breakthrough for the Saints

-Promotion in marriage and professionally.

– higher level of ministry and service/following marriages

-higher level of service as the missionary trips will intensify.

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January 2023 – Summary

In this time of breakthrough, the saints welcomed the presence of the Lord and the invitation to go into new dimensions in Him with one breath. There was a sense of openness and greater capacity to receive His power and provision, as the first fruits of fulfilling His will at the beginning of the year of the Spirit of Glory and God. (Pastor)

May we respond to the call to go deeper into His heart, to know Him in greater intimacy, to allow His passion to fire us as we develop our ability to listen to Him in such a way that we intercede together in the various variations of His wind, in renewed surrender to His will for the establishment of His kingdom. (Teacher)

Overwhelmed by the presence of the Lord in proskuneo before His Throne, nothing matters more but to be with Him in sowing our lives, to allow ourselves to be stretched and shaped so as to embrace His burden, to dig deep so that the water from the wells that water the earth once again begets His fruitfulness. (Prophet)

By raising our voices, we have access to His river, and the new sounds that rise to Him reflect the new things the Lord is doing in our land and the nations of the world as a mighty wind of restoration blows and His army moves forward united and aligned with the directives of heaven. (Evangelist)

Sealed in Him in our identity as sons, called to move in His glory, our trust is in Him as sons are positioned to represent Him and make disciples, apply His ways so that His truth may be manifested and our God glorified! (Apostle)

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January 2023 – Report

After about 10 minutes, I felt that I had to go up there again and I was walking with some pleasure. It was like a celebration and I lost track of time.

I felt that this opening is more of an invitation to go there and that this new dimension was for us to access things.

When Jesus taught his disciples to pray on earth as in heaven, it was a point of provision and power for God’s will. I felt like we had access to that provision, like we had a greater ability to receive.

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I saw a light blue river going from the left and to the right and up in the middle which was strange. I wanted it to go the other way, the right way from right to left, downhill but it didn’t happen.

I asked the Lord if this was something that needed to be corrected or if there was anything to report about it.

Talking to a person earlier about a river that is on her hill where she lives, I wondered if it was something from her area.

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Vision of a group of people hitting the ground with their sticks, they are digging a well. Vision of an area swept by a garment in a circular way. Sensation of being stretched to the right and then to the left. Vision of a tunnel like a vault, I see gold then copper. I clap my hands in rhythm, it is a march.

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Vision of a harp, each time a string is plucked, it opens a new dimension. In fact, each string releases a sound which opens a new reality on the same plane… I see these dimensions cut horizontally, each one is irrigated by a source…

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During our beautiful time of prayer together I saw a great flight of all kinds of birds. Like we see in the Camargue.  They were all flying away for a migration, to other countries. I had the feeling of a mission in this flight to other nations.

Then I saw a coat of arms. A coat of arms with initials on it. I couldn’t read the initials precisely but it was a royal name on it. Royal initials to be exact. It had to do with our identity.

Then I saw the color light blue and dark blue.

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Our identity as sons gives us access to live fully this year of the Spirit of Glory and God. I could see myself dancing in purple with a long shawl that twirled with every move I made.

During the moment of prayer, I saw colors appear on a black background: green, dark blue and light blue.

And I could also see myself holding one side of the flag of France with both hands, the other held by other Saints of France, it was stretched lengthwise and I could feel my left hand holding firmly the blue part of the flag.

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I saw a handwritten page with cursive writing. The colors of the writing were blue, yellow, red and white. There were four gold seals on the four corners of the page. Then the writing was transposed onto a map representing the nations of the world with an orange and brown background. There were several circular movements. At the end I saw these words “four winds” and I saw a very white light.

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I felt the drawing of the Spirit of the Lord to go deeper into His heart, with a desire to know Him, to be in closer and closer intimacy with Him.

It’s like the Lord is calling us there and everything we are and everything we do will flow from this, that we will be more and more sensitive to how the Spirit is moving and move in unity with His Spirit.
That we will be one with the things that move His heart, to sense the heartbeat of the Lord, the passion running in His heart for the Kingdom to come, in people and Nations and that this will overflow in such a powerful depth of intercession, flowing from His heart.

I was very aware that there is a discipline involved, time with Him, listening,and submission of spirit, soul and body to the Lord and to allow the Spirit complete freedom to pray, and intercede through us.
This calling is vital in these days, may we as saints arise to this calling, by and in, the Spirit of Glory and of God.

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When I entered the chapel where I had gone to be alone for my first Saturday prayer time, before I’d even reached the spot where I was going to kneel, I was overwhelmed by crying. This continued for several minutes as I knelt and then started praying in proskuneo but although I felt intense sadness, I didn’t understand why.

Later on in prayer, I received this scripture:

Psalms 80:1-3 Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel, You who lead Joseph like a flock; You who dwell between the cherubim, shine forth! 2 Before Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh, Stir up Your strength, And come and save us! Restore us, O God; Cause Your face to shine, And we shall be saved!

I felt that this was our cry to the Lord, calling out to Him to hear our prayer, to lead us, to shine forth, to go before us as the Ark of the Covenant went before these three tribes, in His strength, saving us and restoring us as saints and within the nations we represent.

Then, as I got up to leave, I was overwhelmed with crying and sadness again and was unable to leave, so I went back to praying in the Spirit for a further time until I felt it was okay to leave.

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Inspired song.

The Heavens cannot contain You, You are great and majestic, Most High God, You who created everything by Your Word in Eternity.

I rest in the House of the Most High, I take refuge under the Wings of Almighty God!

To you the Glory, O Most Holy Father!

Vision: I saw a seahorse which was pregnant, its belly became transparent. Unlike in the natural world where all the baby seahorses are identical.

Here each of them had a tunic of specific and unique colors and patterns.

I understood that this was an image of the sons and daughters of Abba in the heart of the Father existing in His heart before the creation of the worlds where He had given each of us a name (an identity and a unique and specific destiny).

In this new generation that is coming, each one will know from the beginning his true identity in Abba Father and the perfect plans that He has prepared for each one of them.

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Praise Adoration in gratitude for our great Most High God.

God’s presence was much deeper and more immediate. We were well in this particular atmosphere.
Vision: I saw clouds that formed like flames that came out of the water and went up to the sky.
I received many different kinds of speaking in tongues. I had the impression that I was proclaiming decrees. I heard a lot of the word challenges! challenges! … This year is going to be a year of challenges (God the Eternal will do the Impossible-interpretation of Mark).

I have also had many sighs of the Spirit.

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I received two very powerful breakthrough worship songs in various tongues for France. I was dancing with Jesus Christ which brought healings all around.

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The new depth of His Presence was spreading, the Agape Love, His Holy Fire, His Shalom with a whole new depth like honey in the atmosphere by the breath of His mouth.

Then a burden in dizziness intercession, childbirth, flesh against Spirit and break through challenges and victory.
Here is what I hear:

In My new Presence, for yourself and for France: “Your boundaries are extended, the space of your tent is widened, the covers of your dwelling are stretched out, don’t hold back any longer! your ropes are lengthened, your stakes are strengthened, for you will burst forth very soon! you will spread to the right and to the left soon; Your posterity will invade nations, and populate deserted cities….

Enlarge thy tent: Go to the other side, go to another dimension of revelation of His intimacy, of His Person! Don’t be satisfied with what you already know! with what you know how to do! with what you see! far from the noise of the crowds that are agitated! Experience another facet of what I, your God, am capable of doing. Do not doubt Me! but rather manifest your Faith to be able to walk on water. Abandon yourself to Me, let go, do not fear the storm, the trials, the difficulties, the great challenges. Look at Me, trust Me! With Me you will be able to do feats! to walk on water! to walk in the skies!

Mark 5:35-41 35 And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side. 36 And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship. And there were also with him other little ships. 37 And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. 38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? 39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. 40 And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith? 41 And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?

Submit yourself to Me, be humble, let yourself be visited and changed by My Holy Fire that will not destroy you! and My Glory will be manifested in you and all around.

Proverbs 18:12, and before honour is humility.

In the midst of trials, with our Abba, we will always have victory, we will always do great things.

Do not fear, I am with you! I protect you, I am your strength, I will not abandon you, I will answer you, I will provide for your needs, I will give you peace, I will love you always.

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