July 2023
Greetings Saints,
What an eventful year we have enjoyed thus far in His kingdom! God has been true to His promise, and so very good to His saints!
On this first Saturday of July, the seventh month of 2023, we come together in prayer at a moment when a Network team is convened in France. This gathering is strategic for Western Europe, as travel restrictions have prohibited the saints from convening for the past several years. Let us believe for God to do His perfect work among the saints of these strategic nations in this significant moment.
The second half of the year begins now, and there is much that God has ordained for us to accomplish for Him. We must have the direction of the Spirit of God, and function with divinely directed precision.
One of the ways God prepares us for future partnership is by expanding our capacity to hear and serve. This advancement is regularly initiated by our surrendering the clutter of the past, as we make way for the new. (…see garments and wineskins). God will continue to perfect us in this effort during the seventh month of the fast of feasting.
So, as we come together in prayer on this July 1, let us be thankful to our God for what He is doing among and through us. Let us also yield ourselves in contrition, as we look forward to the new. Let us delight ourselves in the prospect of what God has in mind. He is with us, so our desire must be to be faithful as sons and intercessors.
At the conclusion of your intercession, Saints in France please submit your insights to reseaudsaints@gmail.com.
Saints in all other nations, please submit your insights to us here at saintsnet@sbcglobal.net.
The Interpretation Group
The Saints Network—The Father’s Church, Dallas, Texas