July 2023 – Summary
Greetings, Saints!
Voices lifted in intercession created a binding of the saints as He drew us as one into His secret place of thunder to know His heart, preparing us with newness for the coming days. [Pastor]
Commissioned to go forth, we encourage ourselves in the Lord and receive His strength to move into new territories in tandem with His Spirit. Through diligence and perseverance, we will stay the course. [Apostle]
The Lord has set things in motion. Let us be ready to act, seizing our opening to the Spirit’s leading for our histemi and for the nations that they may be transformed. Our voices lifted in partnership with Him, we proclaim and declare the Truth of the Word of God. [Prophet]
With God’s presence heavily upon us, He has prepared us for the taking of dominion with the Gospel of the Kingdom, that others may come into the Kingdom and know the Father as sons. [Evangelist]
In partnership with the intercession of God’s people, the angelic stand ready awaiting God’s command to release the waters and unstop the ancient wells, that living water may pour upon the earth, augmenting the hunger emanating from those who desire to be broken to fulfill the burden of God. [Teacher]
And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open. And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father’s house. Isaiah 22:22-23
The Interpretation Group
The Saints Network—The Father’s Church, Dallas, Texas
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July 2023 – Report
There is a day of spiritual visitation coming for the city of Dallas made possible through the intercession and supplication of our church and network. Things which belong to our peace as residents and saints which we are all concerned to know and understand that have been seen in visions and dreams years ago. When we enjoy the gifts of grace in great plenty and have the Word of God powerfully preached to us, then is the time of blessing that has been ordained for our metropolis.
When the state of restoration is revealed, we must not disregard it, hide our eyes, or have unbelief. We must not be unaware of the accepted time and the day of salvation that has come for our city and receive it heartily as the day of opportunity for our present and future welfare of all our citizens.
The great ambassador from heaven, our Lord Jesus, was making His public entry into Jerusalem not to be respected but to be rejected and He wept over the city. We must be ready to act and seize our opening according to the leading of the Spirit of God for our histemi, our place of standing and placement.
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As we lifted our voices in intercession, it felt like the Spirit of God was binding us together as one. There was a strengthening and girding, healing and repairing, cleansing and preparing. Then we began to rise as if we were being caught up into the secret place of thunder. Only there didn’t seem to be an end to our rising. We were being taken up and up. And when I looked up to see where we were going, it was like looking into the heart of God that has no end. He was drawing us in as one to know His heart, and to give us something. The only way to describe it is like He left an imprint of things that we will draw from in the coming days.
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The word the Lord gave me was the word spoken multiple times over Joshua – be strong and of good courage. In particular, I was drawn to when Moses spoke it over Joshua as he commissioned him to go forth without him into the promised land in Deuteronomy 31:23. Moving into the new territory, we must encourage ourselves in the Lord as well as partner in and receive His strength (hazaq).
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Perseverance was the sense I had during prayer this morning.
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The Father is giving us new wineskins, the old isn’t sufficient for the days ahead.
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I felt there was an opportunity for many newcomers to understand sonship in a new way. Coming to the Father in a new way. Feeling His love in a new way.
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I saw a lock that was above the nation of France. I saw the hand of God reach out and place a key to unlocked the lock. He then said this is the key of David and I have opened it and it can’t be shut. Then I got this scripture.
Isaiah 22:22-23 And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open. And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father’s house.
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It is not enough to hear the word of the Lord, but it must be acted upon. To not only be hearers of the Word, but also doers. During this crucial timetable of the Lord, He has set certain things in motion. We must arise, using our voices, to proclaim and declare the promises and truth of the Word of God. Our voices, in partnership with the Lord, are crucial to the breaking down of barriers, changing of atmospheres and transforming of iniquitous places. We cannot allow what we see in the natural to affect how we function in the spirit. There are no barriers, no restrictions in the spirit realm. There is complete freedom and power when we move in tandem with the Spirit of God. One voice, in partnership with the Lord, can move a mountain. Let us be diligent in our intercession, clinging to the presence of the Lord in that most intimate place transforming not only ourselves, but the nations. This is a most crucial time for Western Europe, let us heed the calling of the Lord to hear and move forward from His right hand. God is moving, let us be diligent to stay the course.
Isaiah 6:8 Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, “Here am I; send me.”
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I saw the finger of God coming down and touching the waters and a ripple effect going out from this touchpoint. I saw seasoned intercessors praying. Their affect in the spirit realm started like a ripple in the water. They were the touchpoint of God sending out ripples that were far reaching. The stirring in their spirit caused the spirits of those in attendance to move and be sensitive to how the Father wanted to change and enliven them.
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I saw saints in prayer becoming covered by God’s Spirit in the gradual manner that dew forms on the grass of the field. God’s presence is heavy upon us and the evidence of this is being felt in the spirit realm. What is upon us, as dew upon the grass, soaks the feet of those who pass through us. This soaking of the feet is the preparation for the taking of dominion with the Gospel of the Kingdom. Ephesians 6:15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace…. I see this exchange manifesting through our intercession now and in our presence in Brazil and France.
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Isaiah 30:27-28 27 Behold, the name of the LORD cometh from far, burning with his anger, and the burden thereof is heavy: his lips are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire: 28 And his breath, as an overflowing stream, shall reach to the midst of the neck, to sift the nations with the sieve of vanity: and there shall be a bridle in the jaws of the people, causing them to err.
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As I was before the Throne, I saw a grouping of the angelic that stood ready for a specific assignment. In their hands were tools and implements such as pickaxes, shovels, etc. They were waiting for the “Go” from God to release the waters – unstop the ancient wells – break free any dams holding back the living water sources to pour upon the earth. I sensed this was to augment the hunger emanating from those wanting to fulfill the burden of God and in partnership with the intercession of God’s people.
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-The Saints will take dominion on the French land.
-A big revival will occur in France.
-The group of intercessors will increase.
-Several leaders will have to step in the ministry of teachers.
-The level of authority of the leaders in Europe will increase.
-Several missionary trips in Africa to help the churches in Benin and Togo doing proskuneo from France.
-People will walk in the street in France completely drunk of the Holy Spirit.
-The harvest will be so huge that the leaders in other countries in Europe like Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland will have to step in to help with teaching.
-Fortification, refreshments during the seminar in France and promotion for the saints who have been faithful.
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July 2023 – Report
During the time of intercession, I lay on my sofa in proskuneo. I thanked my God. I asked Him to open my five spiritual senses. Automatically, like John in Revelation, I was raptured in spirit. I saw myself in proskuneo beside a well dug at ground level. My head was in an observation position, so that my eyes could see what was happening in the well. I saw the inner wall of the well all black and in it was a mocha-colored liquid with abundant white foam, flecked with coffee on the surface of the liquid. I heard a voice saying: dark, dakah. The vision was very quick.
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July 2023 – Summary
Moving forward to the new horizon with the message, in total obedience and faithful partnership for the extension of the kingdom. (Apostle)
Have been filled to bear the burden and release the provision received that His will may be done on earth as it is in Heaven. (Prophet)
Release the deep sounds in intercession that will contribute to the irruption of the kingdom! (Evangelist)
Equipping us to fulfill our mission by broadening our understanding of the Word, the purpose of our gifts and His healing (Teacher).
Our commitment to prayer, intimacy and sensitivity to the Father’s heart. (Pastor)
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July 2023 – Report
To know You intimately Lord,
To know what grieves Your heart, O God
And stand in unity with you and pray.
And carry the Burden that lies within Your Spirit.
To cry out with sounds deeper than words,
That your Kingdom will break in,
Your beautiful and perfect will be done,
On Earth as it is in Heaven.
Hear the cry of our hearts, O God.
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During my prayer time I had a feeling of every dimension of me being absolutely and completely filled to my fullest capacity by the Father both in terms of understanding from His Word and in terms of His gifts and healing, giving me everything that I need to move forward from this point into faithfully and effectively partnering with Him in complete obedience in all that He has in store for me in the months ahead.
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