Greetings, Saints!
With an abiding awareness of the nearness of the Lord, the atmosphere was one of anticipation and expectation as the Saints gathered before the Father to know how to minister to Him in fresh and expanded ways. Called to contribute to the Lord in partnership, we bring to Him the best offering of who He has created us to be, that we may cultivate with Him a deep intimacy and partnership. [Pastor]
Touching the weak places within us, His dunamis brings proper function and alignment for the fulfillment of His purpose. The Saints have taken the battle to the gates, and in our measure of devotion to God, gates are being opened. Let us come to the Lord with praise and thanksgiving for He is worthy; come let us worship Him! [Evangelist]
Through the unfolding of God’s Word and the supernatural alignment of our eyes, our vision and capacity for understanding are being expanded by the Lord as we yield to the ongoing perfection of His ways. Our focus is on Him and His vision. Together we stand as grounders of Truth and conduits of obedience, lending our ears and hearts to hear what the Spirit of God is saying. [Teacher]
From the Spirit of God, out of our bellies shall flow rivers of living water throughout the land. [Prophet]
Voices of intercession thundered in the heavens, as sons were being readied for the sending forth as lightning into places of divine appointment. Let us continue to be diligent in our intercession, that the time of grace is not shortened, and that we may be used as His deliverers throughout the world. [Apostle]
The glory of the Lord is attendant upon us. It is a beautiful day to be in partnership with Him!
The Interpretation Group
The Saints Network—The Father’s Church, Dallas, Texas
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First Saturday Prayer Insights Report
March 2022
Anticipation was the watchword as I prayed with the Saints on First Saturday. I sensed an abiding awareness of the nearness of the Lord, as well as an expectation of something exciting about to happen. God is with us. For this, we are eternally grateful.
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Encapsulated in the depths of His Presence, like dwelling intimately in the deep darkness of His glory and His person, I sensed incredible oneness with the Lord. My entire focus was on Him and in Him. Then, I felt my body, the Body, being filled with light. I sensed this supernatural alignment of our eyes, our vision, in the perfection of His ways. It went deep, illuminating my whole being with light.
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I sensed the Lord expanding our vision and capacity for understanding for the coming days. We must remain yielded to His ongoing perfecting work as He touches our weak places with His dunamis… bringing function and alignment. His grace truly is sufficient. Let us gladly glory in our infirmities so that the power of Christ may rest upon us.
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While in prayer I received a vision of a river of water flowing throughout the sanctuary. It was flowing through the aisles of the church into the front of the church. The river was flowing over everyone that was on their face in prayer. This river flowed out the doors of Peace Chapel into the hallways of the church and out the doors into the streets. This is the river of the Spirit of God flowing throughout the land.
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In these tumultuous times, Saints who have a deep intimacy and partnership with the Father also have the authority and power to affect the weather, as a sign and wonder from our heavenly Creator. The abundance of wickedness and evil is all around us because believers will not obey His voice and rebel against His ways. People must be awakened spiritually to understand the times and seasons in order to follow the purposes of God. One strategy that He will release is a suddenly climate change.
Samuel, the prophet, called for thunder and rain not to terrorize or frighten the people but to startle them into turning aside from the vain things of this world and to worship the God of heaven and earth. So, at Samuel’s word God sends thunder and rain upon them in a season of the year when this kind of occurrence had never been seen or known before.
1 Samuel 12:16-22 Now therefore stand and see this great thing, which the LORD will do before your eyes. 17 Is it not wheat harvest to day? I will call unto the LORD, and he shall send thunder and rain; that ye may perceive (yada – to ascertain by seeing) and see (ra’a – judging good and evil) that your wickedness is great, which ye have done in the sight of the LORD, in asking you a king. 18 So Samuel called unto the LORD; and the LORD sent thunder and rain that day: and all the people greatly feared the LORD and Samuel. 19 And all the people said unto Samuel, Pray for thy servants unto the LORD thy God, that we die not: for we have added unto all our sins this evil, to ask us a king. 20 And Samuel said unto the people, Fear not: ye have done all this wickedness: yet turn not aside from following the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart; 21 And turn ye not aside: for then should ye go after vain things, which cannot profit nor deliver; for they are vain. 22 For the LORD will not forsake his people for his great name’s sake: because it hath pleased the LORD to make you his people.
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I saw all of the gates open, seeing into the different places. It is time to call everyone to come with their best offerings and I was to tell them: “The gates are open; It is time; Come, bring your very best offerings. He is worthy; come worship Him.”
It reminded me of the 1st tabernacle when each tribe was responsible to bring specific things; also when many nations brought provisions for Solomon’s temple.
He is pouring out in such a beautiful way. He wants to meet with us. He is inviting us to contribute in partnership. This exchange will have an enormous impact on those who participate.
(Dare I say life and death? But very heavy factors for sure.)
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I saw a red rooster, on a pasture/field to my left and next to the rooster, was a brand new stainless steel pail water bucket that has an old string attached to it. I know there is a well to draw water from on that field, even though I did not see one, I just know there is one. Then I saw the rooster again later to my right. The first time, the rooster was picking food from the pasture to eat. God is giving us the wealth of the nations, I recalled “He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” But I also felt that we should be really focused during this season and we should not be turning to the right or to the left, stay focused on the Lord and the vision, and He will always provide.
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I had a good time of prayer Saturday. At one point I was arrested by an angel’s presence at the burning bush window. I turned and began praying at that location, waiting. I was reminded of Moses at the burning bush, and said, I’m listening Lord. I sensed rather than heard Him asking if I would be a deliverer of His people. I said of course Lord, I will follow you and do whatever you ask. I did not hear more at that time.
Later in prayer, I began seeing many visions of people and places and felt like I was in the Ukraine in the spirit, interacting with and helping people, though I was not intentionally praying for the area.
I felt like as we are diligent to spend time praying in the Spirit, God can and will use us as His deliverers around the world. Heaven will tell the story one day. It may not look like what we think.
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As I was praying and contemplating I saw a Pillar. A very tall, solid concrete pillar as one that holds up buildings or a bridges.
As I continued, the Lord showed me pillars popping up in several places. Some standing individually and some in groups of 3, 5, 7.
I asked the Lord what this meant. He showed me that the Saints are pillars. Some have fellow pillars that stand together in His vision and purposes. Some are standing alone in this same purpose.
I researched pillars: STULOS
1 Timothy 3:15 “But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how though outest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the PILLAR and ground of the TRUTH.
Pillar: grounding of the truth. Amplified Bible (the prop and support) of the truth
Strongs: a support, a base, a foundation, stay, support, the base which ultimately and literally
Supports the base itself.
The Lord showed me that the Saints are pillars to hold top up in prayer our leaders in the network. We are pillars to be used to hold up each other and the Lord’s vision for the church.
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I had a vision of Elisha when he stretched himself out upon the young boy who was dead, and the boy came back to life. I believe the vision represents the miracles the Father desires to do in and through the Saints.
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The Saints were upon watchtowers and we were praying in diver’s tongues as we waited for upon the Spirit of the Lord. Then suddenly I saw the Spirit of the Lord hovering over us. The Spirit of the Lord was like a dark blue cloud with thunders and lightnings within. Also angels were surrounding around the cloud ready to be dispatched. The dark blue cloud would funnel down upon the earth like a tornado. As it would cover us we lit up like fireworks in all the colors of the Spirit of God. We were so overwhelmed by His presence that we were then silent and fell upon our faces as we saw all this unfold.
Habakkuk 2:1-4, 14, 20 I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved. 2 And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. 3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. 4 Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.
14 For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
20 But the Lord is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.
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The Father spoke to me that we are going to experience a new thing in our relationship with Him. It will be most noticeable in our praise and thanksgiving which will transform our worship of Him to a depth of intimacy we have never known.
John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
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I saw a baby sitting and gazing up expectantly. The child was “marked” on its forehead with purple smudges, like those under the eyes of football players. I sensed an excited expectancy of the Saints, as they gather before Father…..pure, refined and eager to know how we can minister TO Him in fresh and expanded ways.
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I’m declaring Psalm 19 over all of the Saints.
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I saw a bright light, exactly like the sun when it blinds you and you really can’t block it out. It was that intense. Even if you close your eyes, it doesn’t go away. Psalms 119:130 130 The entrance [opening/unfolding] of thy words [dabar] giveth light [to be luminous/make luminour/shine]; it giveth understanding [discerning] unto the simple [simplicity/open-minded/foolish].
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In Exodus 19:16, as God’s chosen people gathered at the foot of the mountain, the glory of God was evident by the thunders, lightnings and a thick cloud. The trumpet of god sounded and became so loud that all the people that were in the camp trembled and drew back. But in Hebrews 12:22,25, it says: we have come to Mt. Sion….see that you refuse not Him that speaketh. We come as sons, expectant and ready to shama. There is no fear of what God is wanting to do in us. Let it be. We want this! Things that have been suppressed in the subconscious will be drawn out and overcome by God’s grace.
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I saw a large bowl held in two hands. I was looking to the inside of the bowl. It was made of colors, like mother of pearl and caught the light. It filled with light blue water. I saw a spark on the bottom edge and red flames burned across the water from bottom to top. Then the water was dark and black for a moment and then began to shimmer in the deepest dark blue color. I believe it speaks of a cleansing for the Saints so that we might truly be hidden in Him.
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March 2022 – Benin’s Report
A word came into my mind: “credulous” which means, according to the French dictionary, “who easily believes what he is told”.
Quickly, the Spirit of God tells me that Abraham believed easily when God told him to leave his country, his homeland, his father’s house and go where he would show him.
Revelation 2 :7 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.
In these last times we must lend our ears and hearts to hear and grasp what the Spirit of God is saying to the Saints of the world.
We must not listen, contemplate what is going on: Whether it is in our country or the whole world, in our part, in our house, let us listen more to the Spirit of God.
Acts 1 :7-8 7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. 8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
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This morning was a beautiful moment of intercession, before the throne of Jesus and the Father, in the presence of the Spirit.
I was also in this verse of 1. Corinthians 2.4-5.
And my speech was not enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit of power. That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of man, but in the power of God the Father.
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All that was announced by the prophets and written in the Word is being fulfilled!
Let us intercede so that the time of grace is not shortened by a lack of prayer and love for so many men who are lost in the face of this deployment in force of a blind enemy, but determined to evil!
God still wants to act, however, and more than ever! Let us pray for an urgent and effective breakthrough in our prayers!
(PS.33.) God overturns the plans of the wicked and destroys the plans of the people… He is above the people!
Let us pray that the Saints in the midst of the people will be protected, because it is written that they are “justice of God”!
May God still bring intelligent men according to Him to a sincere repentance, because His desire is always that every man be saved!
As we look to Israel, let us be aware of the coming rapture, as well as those years that will come afterwards, to prepare for the return of Jesus!
God’s plan for many is their salvation, and for our city, we are still in need, because those who have gone before us have earned that salvation with their sacrifice!
The cross still stands, and, the practice of works of repentance will lead many to know true salvation!
Lord, make them true witnesses who experience and discern the times! Let them understand and anticipate to teach with wisdom. New men and women who will do those promised major works, not human, not religious, in partnership with You, because they will be filled with the Holy Spirit!
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More and stronger manifestations of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I saw a vast expanse covered with green grass. Here and there were small ponds of clear water. They were quite far apart from each other. At a certain point, the water level in each pond began to rise, so that relatively quickly the ponds became one lake, which became a large river of clear water.
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Healing will take place during the seminar. Blessings and rewards will be distributed to those who have been faithful in the intercession. Fortification and refreshment, too.
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March 2022 – Summary
Praise the Lord!
The Lord’s presence, grace and love were truly in our midst as, looking forward to the new day of His visitation, we made ourselves open and available in this period of waiting before the seminar, allowing the Spirit to take us into new dimensions of intercession. (Pastor)
Strategically placed at the gates of the new season, the place of transaction between heaven and earth, the place of proclamation of His eternal purpose, it is in proskuneo that we respond to the holy convocation by making ourselves ready to enter the new time where the intercession of the Saints is vital to understanding how to function in the times to come. (Teacher)
What has been sown in intercession during the past season is beginning to appear, giving a glimpse of an outpouring of life in this season of beginning and His fire in our hearts is bringing about the strengthening and function to welcome the harvest of sons who will come to join the ranks of the army of the Saints. (Prophet)
Closely following the flow of the Spirit in intimate communion, His dunamis through us directly impacts specific places for restoration in this season when all things are accelerating. So we do not fear for He is with us and we fight not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit and when the enemy comes by one way, he must flee by seven. (Evangelist)
With boldness we stand firm in prayer and by His grace we endure knowing that the Lord is constantly strengthening us to fulfill His purpose at that crucial hour when the Spirit and the bride say “Come! (Apostle)
For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. Isaiah 60:2
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March 2022 – Report
I sensed during the time of intercession that we are in a time of waiting before the Lord in the weeks leading up to the seminar. That the theme of the seminar “Understanding the times” is key, that the Lord will impart a depth of understanding that will be vital for the times that are coming.
It’s like right now I am empty, without any conception of how the Lord will move, and that is a good way to be ,for I believe that the impartation the Spirit will bring is beyond anything we can imagine and will be specific for the times that will come .Only the Lord knows exactly what each Saint needs.
I know I simply need to be open and available to Him. Praise the Lord.
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The Lord pours out His love on us so that we can be very united. He pours out His compassion so that we can help others.
The Lord anoints us to heal the brokenhearted, to bring the good news of the Kingdom. He equips us. We must listen to him.
He transforms us from glory to glory. We must listen to the Holy Spirit, we must obey.
It is a new season.
We must listen to the voice of the prophets who will guide us. Wherever we go, we must be His light – a beacon, the light of God.
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During our intercession time, I had the chorus of a song “Fear not” on a loop. The lyrics are taken from a Psalm of David, Psalm 144:1.
“Blessed be the Lord my rock who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. Fear not for I’m with you, Fear not for I’m with you, Fear not for I’m with you Say the Lord.
In these times we live in, we would tend to trust our own understanding and defend ourselves in our own way. But the Lord calls us to trust Him as David did and seek His face more than ever before so that He may instruct us to fight with His weapons.
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I saw a couple dancing. The man was in an ecru-colored military dress (ecru refers to a neutral cloth that has not been dyed or bleached, turning yellow).
The woman had a light dress. They were dancing in a palace in the same shade as the man’s dress.
A single light was above two, a single chandelier on a high ceiling, but at the same time, it was as if there was no ceiling. The chandelier hung in the air.
They were spinning. I could see a movement to the right. I couldn’t see the man’s face, but the woman was smiling and letting herself be guided and carried away by the man’s movement. They were alone in this palace room.
Then, as they turned a little faster, I saw as if beyond the two, above the walls (as if there was no ceiling) I had a vision as if I was deported to the right and outside, everything was turning in the other direction and things were turning faster and faster, while they were turning in the other direction, but much slower, in a peace, a serenity, a love and a certain joy.
From what I understood, that from this intimate communion, revelations or mysteries of a military nature were given and these revelations had a direct and immediate impact on the outside, producing accelerations in the movement beyond the place in which they were, which seemed, visually, to turn very slowly in relation to the outside.
This occurred to me.
“The Spirit and the bride say “Come!” Rev.22.17
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Vision of a silhouette with 3 arches, a large one surrounded by two smaller ones on each side with a large light coming from behind. The arches made me think of the silhouette of an angel. Then a chant in a powerful language that was like a call for the sons to come and join the ranks of the army. Vision of the offspring growing on the vine.
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Vision of a silhouette of a man walking beside a donkey, I saw red and purple blankets on the back of the donkey, as if this man was going somewhere to offer something… then vision of people sitting around a big fire in which silhouettes were dancing, I think there were 3… the prayer became like a powerful exhalation, the darkness gave way to day and I found myself in front of a huge portal, the two towers were like trumpets that started to sound and the portal opened very slowly in a proclamation, it’s as if the portal was the proclamation…. at that moment, I saw all the people prostrating on the ground.
As for the figures in the fire, I thought of Daniel’s three friends, the consecration and strengthening of the fire in our hearts, as something that is revived… As for the columns of the portal which are trumpets, in the word, it is the priests who blow the trumpets and they signal a holy convocation… The portal for me is a time because its height is limitless, it is of a single leaf of stone, I believe it is a time that opens in which we can only enter the proskuneo (all are prostrate).
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Luc 20 :38 For he is not a God of the dead, but of the living: for all live unto him.
This verse really jumped out at me, as if I had never seen it before. My prayer is that those who need to be revived will welcome the Spirit so that they can partner with God.
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The presence of the Lord, His grace and goodness were truly there. I saw like a great river of light descending from heaven to earth, touching everything in its path and widening as the river meets the sea. At each end I saw a great trumpet. At times the river seemed to be made up of beings in white garments, enveloped in a great light.
Two thoughts came to mind:
First, this passage where Elisha tells his servant not to fear, for those who are with us are more numerous than those who are with them. (2 Kings 6:16)
The other is related to the outpouring of the Spirit that touches everything and this call to praise, to declare His purpose. Oh Lord, I, we so need your grace!
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I received to bring to his house wood and build the house.
Haggai 1 :8 Go up to the mountain, and bring wood, and build the house; and I will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, saith the LORD.
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The Lord reminded me that His love has not changed for us. He has not and will not change. He loves us with an everlasting love.
James 1:17 BDS Every good gift, every perfect gift, comes to us from above, from the Father of lights, and in whom there is no change, no shadow due to variations.
Jeremiah 31:3-4 From afar the LORD shows himself to me: “I love you with an everlasting love; therefore, I will keep my kindness to you. I will restore you again, and you shall be restored, O virgin of Israel. Thou shalt still have thy timbrels for an ornament, and thou shalt go forth in the midst of joyful dances.
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I saw a boat of fishermen with a lampara; people will be attracted by the light that will come out of here. They are coming to enter the heart of the Father. Then I had a warrior dance, various new languages.
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I was so tired when I arrived! I was able to enter the Father’s Rest easily. There was an alternation of the indigo blue the Presence of the Glory of God and the purple Truth and Sonship.
Matthew 11:28 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and receive my instruction, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you will find rest for your souls. ….
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– The prodigal sons and daughters are returning to the Father’s house repentant and so thirsty to meet the Father not intellectually but in Truth.
Luke 15
…17 And when he returned to himself, he said, How many of my father’s hired hands have plenty of bread, and I am starving here! 18 Then I will arise and go to my father and say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you, 19 and I am no longer worthy to be called your son; treat me as one of your hired hands.
– I saw the back of Jesus Christ after the scourging that was dripping blood everywhere; then I understood that it was also the body of Christ with all the scourging that it receives physically but also spiritually and also each of us as a member of the body.
Matthew 5.10-12 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 Blessed are you when they revile you and persecute you and say all kinds of evil about you falsely for my sake. 12 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
I saw that this blood was being transformed. It flowed like gold-colored oil, then it coagulated and became solid gold. It reminded me of Japan with the Kintsugi (gold joints) technique when they take a porcelain or ceramic vase and break it, then they pick up all the pieces and repair it with lacquer sprinkled with gold and it turns an ordinary vase of little value into a unique piece of art of great value.
As the body of Christ, we are filled with the Holy Spirit, and because of His priceless value, any “moral or physical scourging” we may endure, those scars are transformed into an ornament of glory. When the enemy comes against us from behind, the more golden scars we have, the more the enemy is dazzled by the sun. This was an additional measure of glory. Before every promotion there is always a greater measure of tribulation. The Father sees us even more valiant because of the sufferings endured for the establishment of His Kingdom. Our spiritual impact and spiritual authority grows all the more.
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We received a powerful flow in the diversity of tongues that unlocked us into freedom and joy.
I could see great drops of glory falling from heaven during our intercessory worship in the diversity of tongues and then eventually covering us and spreading wherever our feet trod. The more we sought His Heart, the more it created a thirst around us which drew sons and daughters to the manifestation of His Presence. Now the Lord is gathering connections together from the same heart to move forward together in this revival movement filled with His new wine.
His Agape Love has been released along with great cries to change the atmosphere of unbelief into an atmosphere of great Faith. Thank you Father!
The Lion of Judah roared with childbirth and trumpets sounding the harvest of the great harvest. Ezekiel 37 The Holy Spirit blows on these bones so that they live again! Spirit of resurrection comes into all these dead in the whole world that they may live again! It is a new day!
For when the enemy comes like a river “shaking of darkness, wars…”. In contrast, the Holy Spirit of the Lord through the shaking of the glory puts him to flight and the enemy goes seven ways, causing revivals everywhere as a result of intense prayers throughout the world.
Isaiah 60: 1 Arise, be enlightened, for your light is coming, and the glory of the LORD is rising upon you 2 Behold, darkness covers the earth, and darkness the peoples; but the LORD is rising upon you, and his glory is appearing upon you. 3 Nations are walking in your light, and kings in the brightness of your rays.
Isaiah 11:9 No harm or damage will come to all my holy mountain; for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD, like the bottom of the sea with the waters that cover it.
A very great joy has come! The joy of the harvest. Let us always remain in this place of rest, this place of great shalom! For there is abundance of joy before His face, eternal delight at His right hand! Psalm 16:11
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