Episode Summary: A brief discussion on how our own mind needs to be changed by God so that we are speaking only what He is prophecying.
Wednesday Night Live Episode 270 | Spiritual Significance by Pastor Arroyo
Episode Summary: A brief discussion on how our own mind needs to be changed by God so that we are speaking only what He is prophecying.
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Episode summary: God is preparing us for a great visitation of His Spirit. He is awakening the Saints of many nations. ...
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Episode summary: Why does Jesus tell us not to allow our heart to be troubled? And, what does it practically mean for our...
Episode summary: The Saints are called to pray and intercede on behalf of the upcoming ministry in France as well as...
Teaching Handout Listen:
Episode summary: God is preparing us for a great visitation of His Spirit. He is awakening the Saints of many nations. ...
Teaching handout
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