Dear Saints,
For the joy that was set before us…
In an incredible measure of fullness, in ministry to the Lord and in His service, and in a heightened measure of maturity and function, through divine promotion the Saints are enjoying the joy set before us, rejoicing with great joy. [Pastor]
Through an outpouring of grace, the Father continues to work His patience within us. Emerging from the past season, our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace, He sends us forth in victory. Let the righteous vision of the Lord be released upon the Saints, granting clarity of vision and exciting hope to step up into the new place He has for us in the days ahead. [Teacher]
The message of Christ’s resurrection has not changed. Invigorated by the light that emanates from His Word, we go forth as lightening in the purpose of Jesus’ ministry upon the earth, teaching all nations to observe all things that He commands. [Apostle]
Determined to stand, we declare that we will not be blown about with every wind of doctrine; rather, we are rooted and established in love, faithful and steadfast in prayer. Out of our bellies shall flow rivers of living water, and through the working of the Lord in us, His word is confirmed with signs following. Through a manifestation of His resurrection power, function at the gates is being restored. [Evangelist]
The healing of minds is bringing understanding to identity. As Jesus’ perets was to do only the will of His Father in Heaven, so do we choose life as a Son, walking in it, living as spiritual ones functioning in the spirit. Through God’s supply, we are nourished, strengthened and equipped to be effective witnesses of His mysteries as opportunities are presented. [Prophet]
The Lord (Yehovah) reigns, He is clothed with majesty; He is clothed with strength, He has girded himself. The world also is established, that it cannot be moved. 2 Your throne is established of old: you are everlasting. 5 Your testimonies are very sure: holiness becomes your house, O Lord (Yehovah) forever. Psalm 93:1-2, 5
The Interpretation Group
The Saints Network—The Father’s Church, Dallas, Texas
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First Saturday Prayer Insights Report
April 2021
I saw the Saints as they ministered to the Lord, and to His service, in a heightened measure of maturity and function. It was a depiction of divine promotion, and it was beautiful to observe. In essence, our prayer time provided a window into what is truly transpiring within our ministry of prayer at this time. God is good, and we should not fail in this glorious identity by focusing on what was endured to get here. We are enjoying the joy set before us.
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I sensed an incredible measure of fullness in the atmosphere. Fullness of the Spirit, in intercession, in relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, in wisdom, in grace, in everything my spirit touched, I sensed a full measure. Needless to say, this was both encouraging and empowering, while also quite extraordinary to sense such fulfillment.
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The message that Christ arose has not changed, lost any strength to transform lives, or to connect with generations since its mighty occurrence in the annals of time. It can’t be killed, hidden, or disavowed as determined evil voices persist to declare it gone from humanity. The spirit of God pervades creation and the spirits of just men who know God. It is not the efforts of one man to change people’s minds but the power of the Almighty breathing upon us all every day from dawn to dusk. Elijah called upon the Holy One to show He is and will always be the one true God. He answered Elijah astoundingly and all of Israel! Then, when he threatened by Queen Jezebel, he asks to die, for he proclaimed to the Father, “I am the only one left who has not forsaken the works of God.” We are like the seven thousand God reminded Elijah existed, the remnant, that has remained true and faithful under the protection and covering of the Creator.
God has not forgotten or become tardy in fulfilling the purpose of Jesus’ ministry upon the earth. He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. Jesus has all power in heaven and earth. He is reminding us of His words to the eleven, “Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” We will go forth and preach everywhere, with the Lord working with us, and confirming the Word with signs following! Amen!
We thank you Father for the light and might that emanates from the Bible to invigorate us through and through to persist and proclaim everlasting life to all who will believe and receive!
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Prior to seminar the Lord gave me a vision of an expansive outpouring of grace. On the heels of the seminar I experienced an outrageous personal attack in my job. It was so shocking to me that I knew to handle it with kid gloves as I processed and just laid it before the Lord. As I mediated on the finished work of the cross today, I realized God had removed the sting of the attack and that it was sent to steal the grace that was being released for this season. I’m sure I wasn’t the only person in the network to experience this, so I release to all expansive grace to step up into the new place God has for you in the days ahead and may the Lord grant you sevenfold restoration in the midst of the journey.
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I sensed a pouring out of grace as the Lord continued to work patience within me, allowing me to wait with a deep appreciation for His process and enduring plan. With each step forward, a fresh calibration of my perspective, granting clarity of vision and exciting hope within for the days ahead. We emerge from this season with feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
Hebrews 10:36 For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.
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During prayer I was focused on a few things-
*The Gates
Our gates in the sanctuary but also the city.
*Gospel of Peace
The only 2 scriptures I could find are:
Romans 10:15 & Ephesians 6:16
This is our daily walk/ our standing/ our overcoming/dominion /being sent forth/ the victory we enjoy only because of the blood of Jesus ❤️
*Patience of the Saints
Revelation 13:10
Patience- hupomone
Cheerful hopeful endurance constancy waiting.
Reminds me of timing.
& of what it must be like to play an instrument or sing. You’re not asleep. You don’t want to “miss it” or get distracted.
You must be ready but be meek be aware.
Know the right time.
Here is the patience and the faith of the Saints.
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While in prayer I felt the peace of God flood over me. It was a very quiet peace. I began to focus on the power of the Resurrection and what it means for us today. It is through that power that we have victory over the demonic forces of this world. One thing I feel is in order to be free we have to walk in it. We have to declare it, we have to choose it. It’s free for us but, we have to want it more than anything. We have to choose life as a Son and then walk in it. It’s just that simple. Praise God!
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I heard the scripture in John 7:38, saw a black 1930 Packard Limousine and finally I saw Thai green peppers.
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I was rejoicing that Jesus’ perets was to do ONLY the will of His Father in Heaven, which enabled the parats of us being able to function in the spirit – to live as spiritual ones.
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There was an empty place – dirt, sand, some weeds, but no grass. Suddenly, several tree trunks came out of the ground. They were not very tall. In my vision, it was a small gathering of tree trunks. Then time moved forward rapidly. Those trunks grew up and became wonderful, sturdy trees. In that process of growth, many events occurred – storms, tornadoes, hail, locust, fire, rain, hurricane, drought – but most of those trees stood through it all. God has been building us up. We are those mighty trees planted by the river of life. And we are determined to STAND.
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I was given a supply bag containing food. I was surprised upon opening the bag to find a tool. The tool was unique and its purpose was unknown to me. My first impression was that it was out of place and left in the bag unintentionally. But God’s supply is not only to nourish, but to equip. The tool was intentionally given. The Father is keeping us spiritually healthy and fit to manage what He is giving us to be effective witnesses of His mysteries….with some unique tools……specialized tools……tools that have specific purposes that will be shown to us as needed. Look for them. Opportunities, positions, resources.
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I saw Father’s hand coming down and touching the top of youth and adults’ heads. As He pushed His hand down, it went thru their skulls to their minds and brought physical healing to their brains and spiritual healing to their minds. They walked away from this encounter completely changed – knowing they had encountered the Father. This change caused them to declare to those around them what had occurred and it impacted them, as well, bringing an understanding to their identity.
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The saints have supernatural (God’s Spirit) power to know when God is giving openings to moments we are presented with. 1 Corinthians 2:10 But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.
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I saw the saints dancing and rejoicing around an ancient well that had a fountain in the middle of it. We were dancing counterclockwise circle around the well. Our arms were raised and our hands were moving as to be part of the dance. The earth under our feet trembled. Then the fountain in the center of the well blew off. We then started dancing clockwise around the well. We were rejoicing and weeping with great joy. We were completely covered in the water coming out.
Then He gave me this scripture:
Genesis 49:24-25 24 But his bow abode in strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; (from thence is the shepherd, the stone of Israel:) 25 Even by the God of thy father, who shall help thee; and by the Almighty, who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above, blessings of the deep that lieth under, blessings of the breasts, and of the womb:
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There was so much angelic activity on this First Saturday. I heard a voice declare, “Let the righteous vision of the Lord be released upon the Saints.” The voice spoke it strongly and then I realized I was also declaring in unison. It was spoken forth seven times, “Let the righteous vision of the Lord be released upon the Saints.” There was a long hush with much more angelic movement. I saw the rainbow angel and then I heard a declaration from heaven, “Let not the Saints be blown about with every wind of doctrine. Be rooted and established in love. Be faithful and steadfast in prayer. The season is drawing to a close.”
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God has positioned us at the temple gate beautiful (fullness of time, fruitful). This is where Peter sees a lame man, commands the man to look at him, and the lame man is healed (Acts 3). God is releasing discernment and strength to His saints to restore function at the gates (Isaiah 28:5-6).
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In the Spirit I saw gray fuzzy balls in the sky that were floating across continents. They would land on earth in various countries or places and explode like lightning. They were the glory and electricity (fire) of the Holy Spirit revival. (Zachariah 2:5) God says revivals in the past were in spotty locations and only lasted for a season. This time it will have a longer effect eventually ushering in the Millennium!
Every time lately I ask what is on my Father’s heart and He simply says, “My Children!” I believe He want us to come together to pray, seek His face about how we can minister to more children in our area this summer as well.
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Psalm 93.1,2,5. The Lord Yehovah reigns, He is clothed with majesty; He is clothed with strength, He has girded himself. The world also is established, that it cannot be moved. Your throne is established of old: you are everlasting. Your testimonies are very sure: holiness becomes your house, O Lord- Yehovah forever.
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As I was praying tonight I heard a voice telling me, connect with me more so I can reveal myself to you. Immediately a sweet sleep took me and I was plunged into a vision. I saw myself standing in a place of intercession and suddenly it was as if there was a lamp in my hand and everything around me was shining and that light was shining even far away from me.
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I will resurrect situations in the saints. All what was dead will resurrect because of my resurrection and the submission of the saints to my will.
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This Saturday, April 4, we reread and prayed according to David Wilkerson’s prophecy: Are our suitcases ready?
As Alain Page says at the start of 2021
“Be ready, consecrated, sanctified” for what is to come, it turns out to be time to put on the armor to become fighters who do more than defend themselves, but who take the lead by attacking exactly where they are. imperative to do so! And if you feel helpless, helpless, without competence facing this task …… Then you will be my best channel (candidate!) Because you will not want to do anything by yourself! You will only hope in Me to act, and you will let Me deposit in you: “All that I want you to give to the world!”
“Feel the effervescence of the departure! Stay there and want it, be together in this same hope.” Let my people go! “
Your projects enter into exercises …… These 3 days have given the only solution to humanity, thank you for the cross, for the price paid, for Your submission, it is You who won … So come and reign Our God, Savior of the world! We have everything fully in You alone Jesus! No other name has been and will be given on this earth. Victory of light over darkness!
Give us the strategies to bring your people into this sanctification for this very specific time … A tribe that understands the times! Give us this last harvest….
Act for your glory only by grace, justified by the cross. Enter this state of total dependence to accomplish all things in You and for You! Forget what is behind and project ourselves forward!
To rejoice when together we take the Passover just like the Hebrews when they left!
The old things are behind us, behold all things have become new in Christ!
Ways, directives, help in our new hopes! Break our chains to walk confidently to You! We renew once again by the urgency of the times, prayers for our children tossed about in a world without den or hope! Shake them, O God, for we want them to inherit just like us …… There must be more for them as it is for us!
We repeat ourselves in intercession so that they see in us models led by Your Spirit! Erase from their memory the negative testimonies given to our young people by unregenerate attitudes! Pour into them through Your Spirit the love of truth, the hope of a new life in a world without love and without truth!
They are entitled to see your promises fulfilled! May this enthusiasm revealed in these Easter days never dry up… He accomplished everything!
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The saints will spend more and more time in the presence of the Lord because He will attract them more mightily.
He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still (Revelation 22:11).
A long tunnel. At the end there is light.
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April 2021 – Summary
Filled with the joy of the Lord, amazed by His grace and overflowing with gratitude, the intercession of the saints rose with the same breath towards the Father, like a perfume of good odor. Jesus, the way, the truth, and the life is truly in our midst, and we follow the Spirit who directs us specifically for the breakthrough in this season of redeeming the time. (Pastor)
Strategically positioned at the gates, we reject the thoughts of the enemy and ensure that our partnership be activated in our histemi. Making the challenges encountered the opportunity to be more submit to the Spirit, God, who produces in us both will and to do, accomplishes in and through us what He has marked from all eternity for this time. (Teacher)
Called to be holy as He is Holy, we are partners in His ways to declare His mysteries, and prophetically His victory and His life. Our intercession clears and prepares new lands, knocks down ungodly altars, shines forth His light producing a restoration that will water those who thirst and bring forth an incredible harvest of sons and daughters. (Evangelist)
Set ablaze with His fire and filled with His passion, His love and His mercy pour out from our hearts to the Saints spread among the nations to fight with them the good fight of faith, to stand firm, to overcome the arrows of the enemy, complete the race together, rejoicing because our God is faithful to accomplish what He has promised. (Apostle)
The testimony of Jesus is truly the Spirit of prophecy that we embrace by agreeing to die in order to be resurrected. As life springs from death, we let Him daily cleanse and mold us to become those who continually embrace His purpose, choosing to die in what is temporary to experience the dimension of eternity. (Prophet)
For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection. (Romans 6: 5)
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April 2021 – Report
The intercession was a time of being so grateful to the Lord for where He has brought me and the abundance of His Grace, that He would do this for me and not abandon me and is determined to see this completed, that amazes me
A rejoicing in the pathway, truly being so thankful for the leading of the Spirit and the process He is taking me through, which is very challenging because I am very aware of the many things in me that need to change. Yet I honestly would not want it any other way.
In the last 7 weeks there has been such a focus on the dying and the rising, that out of death comes forth Life. A pathway of daily challenges, of seeing in the midst of situations, the need to be in submission to the Spirit. And of being very aware of my failures.
The Lord, in this season has emphasized the following scriptures.
2 Corinthians 4:10 Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. 11 For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh. 12 So then death worketh in us, but life in you.
Romans 6:5 For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection.
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I just want to express my gratitude to our Lord. He is really the Way, the Truth, the Life. His testimony is truly the Spirit of Prophecy: to die to oneself to embrace and accomplish the Father’s purposes; to die temporarily to live the eternal.
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I am above clouds, and I see the peak of the mountains. After a long time, I saw like white strips on which there were patterns embroidered in red color. Looking higher, I understood that they were bookmarks for a huge bible. From this Bible, a thick smoke descended and invaded the room. Looking again for this bible, I saw a golden candlestick branch with a flame at the end. I saw the smoke opening to allow me to see this branch of the candlestick …
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I saw a yellow and gold flag flying in the wind and then an ephod, people praying the name of El Olam and wearing that garment with the breastplate. A wind rose and knocked down poles. He was knocking over the stones of altars … I thought about what was hidden in our tents, the “Sisera” that we had to tear down, like Yael ….
Then I received a restoration song, I saw people kneeling, prostrate. Then I found myself in front of a painting on which there was a dark green painting with black spots, I received “God give to redeem time”, so I prayed focusing on the green part, I saw the light coming out of the painting. The color has become luminous and the prayer, a statement …
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This passage from John 5:28 has been an object of meditation and of gratitude for the good purpose which it is given to us to accomplish in the Lord.
John 5:28 Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, 29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.
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What words to put on the inner joy of the Spirit within me, enabling me to consider the immense privilege we have received from walking the path of the saints every day. And even if the walk is not always easy, the depth of His call allows me to move forward with incredible confidence, fully turned towards the new, knowing that He alone, in me and through me, can manifest the power of the resurrection, bring light into this world of darkness, in this thought that the breakthrough begin by accepting to become more His channel every day, abandoned to His will!
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During this time of intercession, the Spirit directed me particularly towards Brazil.
This prayer, this time, was like wine, blood shed on this nation. There was a spill from above. Love, mercy and firmness or severity were mixed!
At that time the verses of:
Philippians 2: 17-18 17 Yea, and if I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I joy, and rejoice with you all. 18 For the same cause also do ye joy, and rejoice with me.
2 Timothy 4: 6-7 6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. 7 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.
were in this prayer!
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During my time with the Lord, I have heard the word “thirst”.
I then remembered the passage from John 4:14: But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
It is as if He wanted to encourage us who thirst for Him, His presence and His words. He was giving me confirmation in my heart that he was going to respond to us, respond to the aspiration of our hearts.
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Extension of the Father’s heart. While I wanted to intercede, I could hear my Father saying to me “Let yourself be loved”. What I have done. Then I felt very enlarged with a great feeling of Eternity.
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At the start, fighting with some breakthroughs. I climbed and I was floating in an extraordinary well-being.
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New sounds of Eternity were released from the Heavenly Matrix, releasing new depths of Glory from the Presence of the Father.
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Fight with the Lion of Juda for the first hour or so, with great trust in my Father.
Whether by the raising of the banner of the roaring lion in God’s cleansing Holy Fire or by the lion’s roar in prophetic intercession, all of this declares the strength of Christ and power in every situation bringing terror into the world. hearts of enemies of Christ; The Victory of Light over darkness while keeping hope and confidence in this spiritual warfare which brings judgment and anger on the enemies of Christ. The Lord fights for us! It is a declaration and a warning to His enemies that judgment for unrepentant sin is to come. The Triumphant Lion declares a new phase in his war plan for the redemption of mankind.
During this fight, I could see many prison walls crumbling freeing the sons and daughters of the Most High God from death to resurrection.
Then another hour when I slipped into a completely supernatural deep sleep. When I woke up at the end of the music and the intercessory session, it was impossible to get up because the new measure of glory was so heavy, a great joy broke out!!! Thank you Father for so much kindness!!!
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The fire comes down to consume our enemies.
My light is on each of you. Rest in me, fear not. I’m here. I am in the joy to see you thus in My Presence. Rejoice with me. In the silence, I felt the joy of the Lord.
I saw a diamond being cut. I saw the tool that was used to prune it.
Impurities fall to obtain something pure and beautiful.
You will be holy because I am holy. (1 Peter 1:16) Refuse the lies of the enemy (related to our thoughts and conscience) because we are Saints.
Take heart; you’re not alone. Do not fear what you will have to suffer for Me. I know your loyalty. The Father encourages us to be hot.
Lands are cleared by the Saints. God is going to bring people from all over the world. He will use small ones and groups because the Saints will have cleared the territories.
Praise me! I received new languages. There was a fight against the unclean spirits.
In the night, I saw 3 colors: yellow, purple and white.
I saw a little gold cup. It is the cup of incense that the Father receives. It’s a pleasant scent that I can smell when I’m available. Each scent is distinct. The Father loves this good disposition of heart; it allows him to act.
I saw a purplish (violet) and clear water and a violet light. 3 lights gradually appeared.
In intercession, I saw myself as a dog sniffing in front of a closed door. I asked the door to open. And God leads us to unknown places.
The light allowed me to discern what I was going through.
There is a long ladder between heaven and earth on which the angels descend.
I felt the love of brothers and sisters.
Jude: 23 And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.
Philippians 2: 12-13 12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. 13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
I think of all those who need to climb to the heights.
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