April 2022
Dear Saints,
What an exciting time to be called a Saint! And, what an honor to gather together at the Throne of Grace on this Saturday, April 2.
Over the course of time, we have come to understand that something amazing is about to be released according to God’s timetable. Our most recent Network Seminar indicated this anticipation to a great degree. God has shown so many things to us through His Word pertaining to what is coming, and what our responsibilities are in regard to those understandings.
It is good for us to allow the Spirit to bring these to our remembrance during our prayer time on this coming first Saturday. In this regard, the Spirit can highlight and instruct us as to how we are to apply what He has revealed and to understand His timing to an even greater degree.
Let us be faithful to acknowledge that we have been chosen to serve our God at this most crucial of moments, and let us pray as we have never prayed before.
At the conclusion of your intercession, Saints in France please submit your insights to reseaudsaints@gmail.com.
Saints in all other nations, please submit your insights to us here at saintsnet@sbcglobal.net.
The Interpretation Group
The Saints Network—The Father’s Church, Dallas, Texas