April 2021
Dear Saints,
On this first Saturday of April, the Saints enjoy the privilege of gathering at The Throne of God during Resurrection weekend.
Additionally, April is also the fourth month, and with it we dedicate ourselves to rejoicing. What a divinely inspired combination! What more could an intercessor ask for from the Lord?
Let us join together in prayer on April 3rd to celebrate the victory of our Lord Jesus, while also anticipating the victories immediately ahead. We are on the verge of incredible breakthroughs in so many righteous ways.
It is a time for reflection, preparation and resurrection. God is with us, and we are excited to be part of the family of saints.
At the conclusion of your intercession, Saints in France please submit your insights to reseaudsaints@gmail.com.
Saints in all other nations, please submit your insights to us here at saintsnet@sbcglobal.net.
The Interpretation Group
The Saints Network—The Father’s Church, Dallas, Texas