March 2021
Greeting Saints,
As has been the case for the month of March during the past many years, we as a Saints Network eagerly anticipate the Saints Network Spring Seminar in Dallas.
While this particular gathering will be a virtual one, the Seminar entitled “The Prophet” will be significant in so many dynamic ways. During our worldwide intercessory time on this first Saturday, March 6, we yield ourselves to God for an infilling of the capacity of the Pastoral gifting. In this, we desperately long for diversities of tongues to flourish in our houses of prayer, as we long for the next phases of the development of the giftings granted to us by God, both individually and corporately. Additionally, we long for the fresh unction of His Spirit to guide us into the paths prepared for us to follow in the cause of righteousness.
On the following day, Sunday, March 7, Monica Terrill will be proclaiming an additional prophetic directive from The Father’s Church to the houses of the Saints. Please join us for this invitation, as well. Let us jointly dedicate this coming parats weekend as a holy convocation of prayer.
God is with us, and we are with Him.
At the conclusion of your intercession, Saints in France please submit your insights to
Saints in all other nations, please submit your insights to us here at
The Interpretation Group
The Saints Network—The Father’s Church, Dallas, Texas