July 2021 | First Saturday Prayer Directive

Jun 30, 2021

July 2021

Greetings, Saints!

In the midst of enjoying a week-long prayer emphasis, the Saints are continuing to believe for the will of God to be done within our Nation. The final scheduled day of the week-long covenant of intercession is Saturday, July 3. And, this day happens to be First Saturday, as well as the beginning of the seventh month.

This combination of sevens reminds us of what the Sabbath really means. The day itself was designed to be a time of reflection and rejoicing in God, pertaining to how He has blessed and loved His people.  Jesus said the Sabbath was made for mankind, so there are incredible benefits to be had by our honoring it in this manner. A similar understanding of the seventh is found in consideration of His ways, wherein we rejoice at the privilege of partnering with God as we look forward into the new.  The seventh month is also to be one of feasting on the towb purpose of God which lies immediately ahead of us.

With all of this said, as we gather together for First Saturday prayer, let us rejoice in our God. A great horizon of victory through His Spirit is immediately ahead. We must give thanks to Him, while submitting ourselves in a hopeful pursuit of what is to come.

This weekend is traditionally one which celebrates freedom, and the blessing of God upon our Nation.  Let us realize that we, His Saints, are the ones who are partnering with the God of all freedom and blessing. He has given us His best in every way! Let us come before His Throne this week, and on this celebratory weekend, and rejoice at what God has given to us.  He is Lord of all.

At the conclusion of your intercession, Saints in France please submit your insights to reseaudsaints@gmail.com.

Saints in all other nations, please submit your insights to us here at saintsnet@sbcglobal.net.

The Interpretation Group

The Saints Network—The Father’s Church, Dallas, Texas





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