May 2022 | Summaries and Reports

May 11, 2022

To all the Saints, greetings!

On the first Saturday in May, through our offerings of sacrifice the Saints were privileged to engage in a time of deep and intimate commune with the Heavenly Father, spirit to Spirit, heart to heart. In an atmosphere filled with a deep sense of spiritual purpose, He led us into a kairos moment with Him, wherein He could make known the burden of His heart.  [Pastor]

In our true identity as sons, expectant and yielded to what God requires of us, He is sending us forth as arrows into the darkness with His light and His Truth, where we will triumph in the works of His hands. [Apostle]

In partnership with the Father through diversities of tongues that are full of purpose and power, His angelic host partners with our declarations to extinguish the works of darkness.  Not by might, nor by power, but by His Spirit. [Evangelist]

In the midst of a darkened world, with joyfulness we dance before the Lord to show forth His praise, for the joy of the Lord is our strength, and we do not sorrow.  He makes a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert for His chosen as we seek first the Kingdom of God, and our hope is in Him.  [Prophet]

God has not lost sight of His timing or plan, for He alone knows the times and the seasons. We stand, therefore, in the confidence that He is in control. God loves His people, and His plan for us is good. [Teacher]

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but [this] one thing [I do], forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 3:13-14

The Interpretation Group

The Saints Network—The Father’s Church, Dallas, Texas

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First Saturday Prayer Insights Report

May 2022

The time of prayer on this First Saturday of May was filled with intimate conversation between the Saints and the Heavenly Father. Do not discount the vitality of such a privilege. God is with His people. He is in control, and has not lost sight of His timing or plan. God loves His people.

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The atmosphere was filled with such a deep sense of spiritual purpose.  It seems we entered into a kairos moment of some sort. Interestingly, I struggled throughout to breathe. I sensed strongly the Spirit beckoning me to press through until my natural capacity was overtaken fully by His Spirit.  I suppose it was with the dimension of Abba Father in which I felt in deep commune, I just prayed for His burden to make itself known and be received in my spirit and heart. Still feeling the effects of it, like a weight on my chest that won’t give way to relief. Whatever is on His heart in this kairos moment is nothing short of extraordinary.

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Unsettling national events are mounting a wave of confusion and hatred upon Christian believers.  We must stand confident and not waver for the Lord of Hosts of the angelic armies is moving and turning to confront the evil surrounding us.  The enemies of unbelief dream that they will overtake us and throw down our morals and divine truth that we are founded upon through fear and chaos.  Isaiah reminds us that they will blow away like dust and chaff into a windstorm they created that turns on them.

Our dreams are God driven coupled with our diversity of tongues full of purpose and power to extinguish the wickedness. Evil intentioned people will dream they have overtaken us but will awaken to the noise of our rejoicing and hope through the Spirit of God moving as a consuming fire upon them to push away iniquities waged upon our country and people in an instant!

Isaiah 29:5 Moreover the multitude of thy strangers shall be like small dust, and the multitude of the terrible ones shall be as chaff that passeth away: yea, it shall be at an instant suddenly.

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Luke 12:32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.

I was reminded of a vision I had in prayer once, I was walking down a path when suddenly this huge ugly demon appeared and blocked my path.  I looked at it for a second and then turned my gaze aside as I sensed the Lord’s presence nearby though I didn’t see Him.  I began to say the name of Jesus over and over.  It was not in fear, it was establishing my point of focus, and as I spoke His name, that demon shrunk to almost nothing and ran away.

I felt the Lord was saying to keep our focus on Him.  His plan for us is good.

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The Spirit began to show me layers, like outer garments, that we wear or carry with us. One by one He would show me, and I would remove it. As I removed it, I laid it down. I let go of it. I no longer had control over it. These layers included everything that pertained to my life, both carnal and spiritual. It felt as though nothing was left. I was stripped completely bare. As I laid there, I knew this was the way the Father wanted me to go forward. Communing spirit to Spirit, heart to heart, deep to deep, not worried or concerned for anything.

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While in prayer there was such a peace and joy that surrounded me. I received a vision of the Saints dancing and praising God in the sanctuary of the Father’s Church in Dallas. It was very similar to a worship time during a seminar. The Father is filling us with such joy and happiness. We are being filled to be able to walk in the next season with Him. I also received a phrase “I will dwell in the midst of the darkness”. I feel the joy is to equip us for what is coming. We must be filled up with all of the Lord to withstand the enemy’s devices.

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Commune with the Lord was intimate.  As I prayed, I had a sense of breakthrough in personal areas of our lives, that whatever we asked of the Father in accordance with His will, He would do.  We will ask of Him, and it will manifest.

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I just saw two tires, just the rubber, no rims, one overlaid the other one. I recalled the scripture about the wheel in the wheels in Ezekiel.

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God’s sites……making the impossible shot possible. We are trusting what He’s aiming at. He needs us to hit the mark! God has “night vision”. His shot is into the dark….not IN THE dark. The mark needs who we are. It needs the full impact of our true identity that is expectant and willing to yield to what God is requiring of us.

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As the Saints gathered to press into a deeper level of devotion, I sensed the angelic host were convened as well, to witness and partner with our declarations.

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Psalm 92:4-5  4 For thou, LORD, hast made me glad through thy work: I will triumph in the works of thy hands. 5 O LORD, how great are thy works! and thy thoughts are very deep.

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Isaiah 43 19-21 I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth, shall you not know it ?

I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

I give waters in the wilderness, and rivers in the deserts to give drink to my people, My chosen.

These people have I formed for myself, they shall show forth my praise.

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The Kingdom of God

Matthew 6 :33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

I was awakened from sleep with the book of Acts:

Acts 1:7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.

What God, the King of the Kingdom, is concerned about is that we seek His Kingdom and obey God the Father out of love and faith. Each of us must seek the Kingdom. Each of us must receive the Kingdom above all else. The Kingdom of God is there in the midst of the saints, it is there, as surely as we are there.

Matthew 13 :8 But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.

A grain yields a hundred is the image of our progressive development in the Kingdom of God. The Spirit acts; the light of the Kingdom rises. Where the Spirit of God acts, there is the Kingdom. What is important is not to get lost in the historical or natural catastrophes foreseen for the end of time, nor in speculations about the future that have not yet occurred, but to enter the Kingdom, to act, to work as the workers in the vineyard do. The hope of future glory remains, complete; but this future is no longer at the center. What is at the center is a present through which the Kingdom is perceived and realized (Acts 1:7 and Matthew 6:33).

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God spoke to me about persevering in His intimacy, offering myself as a sacrifice for Him. Thus, He will take me from one dimension to another.

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Is it not God’s purpose for the spiritual man to be “resilient”? That he gets out of his comfort zone and looks forward to doing His work? (not by might, not by power… but by His Spirit)

Ephesians 1… Predestined, we who have hoped in Christ beforehand! Sealed with that holy Spirit of promise! Let’s not extinguish it by mentioning them all in our prayers and love! May He lead us in this time of world-wide stunned to do His work again!

By His Spirit of Truth, we are free and liberated, here we are to serve You…Your yoke is not difficult…and Your kingdom is coming!

May we know how to become aware of the hope that is in us in order to detach ourselves from the rest that is without real hope!

Let’s put these times for profit! Let us be good managers by knowing how to make them profitable!

Let us know how to challenge and make men without God understand that it is urgent to prepare for the return of the Lord!

Let no one procrastinate before the trumpet that sounds! Of the glory that is coming! May our discernment be in all circumstances! May His thoughts be ours!

It is an absolute treasure to know Your mind!

Does not the anointing teach all things? It is a protection and a fearless anticipatory walk!

Bring today’s rebels into tomorrow’s submission by the revelation of Your will!

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The Lord closes doors no one can open, and opens doors no one can shut.

Nothing is impossible with God!

Be not afraid, only believe!

Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom (Luke 12:32).

…, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.…

The Lord Jesus glorified in a multitude of people

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).

Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not (Malachi 3:18)

The mind of Christ

Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire (Psalms 104:4).

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There is elevation/promotion before the Saints who have been faithful in intercession.

New group of intercession will be born.

New leaders to teach and for missionary trips.

Atmosphere of peace.

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May 2022 – Summary

In expanding our ability to breathe in His breath more deeply, the Lord reminds us that the essence of our partnership is found in our communion with Him through prayer and intercession. It is there that He communicates His insights and prepares us for the coming of His kingdom (Pastor).

In this unique moment of proactive waiting, our role as saints is both to function in His ways, to stand firm in His presence no matter what the circumstances, to serve the Father’s purpose as sons positioned at His right hand, and to redeem the time by acting with wisdom and discernment. (Teacher)

In His grace, the Lord has developed us to function at a higher level of partnership in order to more quickly triumph over the wiles and tactics of the enemy. In declaring His mysteries, the Father uses His sons to apply His judgment and fire for purification and restoration. (Evangelist)

As sentinels, faithful in the places where we have been placed, the Lord allows us to glimpse the activity that takes place at the gates where the intercession of the saints secures and promotes exchanges that engender an outpouring of life, provision and fruitfulness. (Prophet)

Above all, the Lord invites us to be all for Him and His work, to watch out for distractions and anything that might draw us away from our communion. By offering ourselves fully to Him, we embrace His love and passion, which alone will enable us to stand when He sends us into the places occupied by the enemy (Apostle)

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hidden in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.

(KJV Matthew 13:44)

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May 2022 – Report

During the time of prayer, I saw as the end of the colors of the alliance! The Light Blue, the Indigo Blue and the Violet.

As if we were entering this time of functioning, of work and of application of what these 3 colors, these 3 Spirits are, what they carry.

I saw the color green too and it was as if, through practice and experience, it had accomplished a work of maturity in us. Through understanding and revelation, we were able to quickly triumph over the wiles and tactics of Absinthe’s opposition and thus, remain in the Wind of His Holy Presence and thus, stand firm in the work of preparing for His return.

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I was in a place with elders, there were old men and like priests. We were standing still in the middle of a ceremony, I felt the solemnity of the moment, the weight of what we were proclaiming in a slow-moving language, in deep tones. I saw threads of fire flying circularly and upward in the wind and I saw a wave of fire on the ocean. We stood waiting to receive something before we were sent, I felt that where we were going there was hostility… At the end, an acceleration in the tongues.

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Vision of a big city gate (city of David in Jerusalem), people entering, others leaving, a lot of activity at the gate. Vision of the ark of the covenant entering through this gate, then vision of the cross and then people dancing, like celebratory dances.

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First of all, I was reading:

John 21:15 So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee.  He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.

Then I was reflecting upon the phrase “lovest thou me more than these?”   seeing it more in the sense of, do I love the Lord more than all the many things that could take priority in my life and the many, many distractions that would try to pull me away from time and commune with Him and from praying in the Spirit.

I was so very aware of the privilege, and wonder of the pathway that we are upon and called to follow, and how much I need to always honour and treasure it as the only thing of any real significance and consequence in my life.

Matthew 13:44 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.

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Saturday’s prayer time brought me to the Song of Songs and in particular Chapter 8 (Verses 5 – 7). Throughout the book we see the Sulamithe fighting against herself. She is in love with her beloved but each time he invites her to follow him to the heights she hesitates. In chapter 8, she finally gives herself totally to this love, to this passion that surpasses everything after a time in the desert (place of introspection). Following the example of Sulamithe, the Lord invites us to give ourselves totally to Him by overcoming and sweeping away everything that prevents such a gift of self, because only His Love can keep us going in all circumstances, as Jesus Himself demonstrated.

The choir

5 “Who then is this one who comes up from the desert leaning on her beloved?

Love: strong as death

“I woke you up under the apple tree,

in the place where your mother conceived you,

yes, in the very place where she conceived you who was to bear you.

6 Put me like a seal on your heart,

like a seal on your arm.

Love is strong as death,

and passion is inflexible like the abode of the dead.

The flames of love are burning flames, a flame from the Lord.

7 Not even great waters can quench love,

and mighty rivers will not wash it away.

The man who would offer all the goods he possesses to buy love will only be despised. (Sower Bible)

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I felt during this time an opening to something new as a joyful expectation. The Spirit was directing me to breathe in His breath more deeply. It was like a slow movement, like an expansion of my ability to breathe in His breath, like an alignment, a preparation to embrace what is coming.

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  • It is the time to receive the perfect designs of Abba Father in our lives.
    For some it is the very beginning, for others it is already in gestation, and for others it is already the time of contractions.

Abba Father desires to bring about the fulfillment of His perfect purposes in each of our lives in these kairos times.

Samson was consecrated for a perfect and excellent work to eradicate the oppression of the Philistines on the people of Israel. He was trapped because of his love for Philistine women, he lost his strength and then his sight. But on the last day of his life God allowed him to redeem himself by eliminating more Philistines than in his entire life.

God is the master of time and He can redeem a thousand years of mistakes for mankind in one day.

If we are willing to acknowledge our mistakes and return to His Ways, He will allow us to redeem all the lost years in order to accomplish His Works that will bear fruit here on earth and for Eternity.

None of the tears we shed on the way to fulfilling His Purposes are lost. All that we have sown in tears in the secret of our rooms and hearts has been gathered in golden bowls by the angels and we will see coming to us all the sons and daughters that we have begotten in pain.

2) Father asks us: Why do you do what you do? Why do you praise me? Why do you worship me? Why do you read my Word? Why do you do all these work?

Is it to get something from me and to deserve more recognition, or are you doing all this out of Love for Me and for My Eternal Purpose for mankind?

Father wants to bring us back to our first Love for Him, so that everything we undertake may have its source in our intimate relationship with Him.

Father invites us to reread the Song of Songs with a new spiritual perspective to understand the Love of the Bridegroom for His Bride.

This book is also a particular metaphor concerning France and the rediscovery of her passionate Agape Love for her Lord.

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Great roars of Lion, more and more powerful and close. This Lion of Judah was in the Holy Fire which was spreading at great speed to bring to Light and destroy the works of darkness and to bring out souls in order to raise them.

Breath of strength and dunamis Power released for Victory.

I have heard you have been in hidden galleries inside for a very long time, like moles moving very slowly through these dark underground tunnels. Now I will bring you out into the Light. During these long and difficult times you have gathered hidden treasures of countless gems that you will be able to share because it is time to be seen in the open.
Come out! Come out! I heard this for us, but also for France.

I saw that now in the open we were going out with a lot of discernment and wisdom to recognize all the jewels, the anointings, the gifts that were going to be discovered.
New eyes.

The more we immersed ourselves in His Presence the more we began to be able to quickly recognize new connections of new groups that we could now impact with strength, Power and much Glorious Freedom. New doors and many new things that Father was putting within our reach.

New strategies are being born to liberate areas. Prophetic times for more depth with apostolic times to go forward in the taking of new territories.

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Breakthroughs for alignment.
With the banners, I sent the Holy Fire to the nation of France.

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