Dear Saints,
Saturday, May 4, signifies a significant prayer gathering for the Saints Network.
This first Saturday of the fifth month introduces a vital season of ministry to the nations. The France Seminar, encompassing representatives from Western Europe, convenes next weekend near Nice. And, additionally, in the month of June the Network will be heavily involved in Brasil at the San Francisco Teatro in Sao Paolo.
We must come before the Lord this Saturday in thankfulness because of the privilege of serving Him in this hour in these ways. Truly, we must have the empowerment of His presence for these ministries to be successful in the Kingdom.
The fifth month does represent the laying down of bitterness, and any embrace of past failures. Perhaps we need to view the challenges encountered in recent years as sacrifices of service to the Lord, and the pure sowing of seeds of righteousness. It is time for us to believe for the fulfillment of promises, and to lay claim to the harvest for which we have all labored diligently to see.
God gives the increase. Let us come before His Throne and yield to Him all that we are and desire. It is our honor to lay ourselves at His feet, and receive the new garments of service for what is to come.
May God bless us all as we humbly submit ourselves to His work and His ways.
At the conclusion of your intercession, Saints in France please submit your insights to
Saints in all other nations, please submit your insights to us here at
The Interpretation Group
The Saints Network—The Father’s Church, Dallas, Texas