May 2024 | 1st Saturday Prayer Summaries and Reports

May 18, 2024

Dear Saints,

Partnering with the Father according to His eternal plan and purpose, let us continue to focus upon the single eye of light and promise that has led us to a point of our walk of faith, narrowing to an amazing measure of fulfillment. [Teacher]

With contrite spirits and in humble submission to Him, we are being aligned with the perfect demonstration of His will, echoing what He has patterned for us, our strength being to know who we are and what our mission is. [Apostle]

In an atmosphere of boundless grace and goodness, the Father’s love overflowed from His heart and Spirit, with a pleasure at the saints’ understanding of pneumatikos truths and our willingness to continue in our calling and pursuit of Him. Through diversities of tongues, we remain prayerful and alert in the tumultuous time period in which we live, continually increasing in power for endurance and steadiness to overcome; for there is no greater power than our Father’s authority flowing upon, around and through us. [Pastor]

Welcoming a new flow of living waters, may our ears be attuned to every whisper of His voice to hear and obey that which He speaks, attentive to what the Father desires to do. With overwhelming gratitude for the heavenly perspective given to us by our Father, we view our challenges as sacrificial gifts we get to lay at His feet and share in the privilege of fruitful expectancy. [Prophet]

Pursuing the very depth of His heart, our hearts are ignited with passion as the fire of God moves us forward in truth. [Evangelist]

God is with us; He has preserved us. As true worshippers, we will give unto the Lord the glory due His name; we will worship Him in the beauty of His holiness. We are a blessed people!

Psalm 97:6 The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the people see his glory.

The Interpretation Group

The Saints Network—The Father’s Church, Dallas, Texas

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First Saturday Prayer Insights Report

May 2024

We are a unique people, partnering with God according to His eternal purpose and plan. The enemy would desire to convince us that our pathway is winding to a conclusion. Our walk of faith is narrowing to an amazing measure of fulfillment.  We must focus upon the single eye of light and promise, for it has led us to this point.

God is with us.

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Such a sweet presence of the Lord this morning.  I sensed the “more” flowing from His heart and Spirit, like an overflow of God’s grace and goodness (towb) I drank it in, letting it seep into every part of my being… His love for us, His boundless grace, His goodness, the very essence of His Presence.  We are a blessed people.

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As we lay ourselves down in humble submission, we are being aligned with the perfect demonstration of His will. This is our strength, to know who we are and what our mission is. I initially felt disjointed and found it difficult to focus. I saw and felt many parts and pieces sort of scattered around me, so I continued to pray in the Spirit, not giving up, but pressing into the moment. Then the pieces began to come together, and I realized that it was the Lord who was gathering them and placing them perfectly where they belong.

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The fire of God is moving us forward and igniting the passion in our hearts. As Sons, we are pursuing the very depth of His heart as we walk in truth and listen to every whisper the Father speaks; we have our ears open to hear and obey His voice. We are living in incredible times; we can’t miss that still small voice that leads us.

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A prayerful reminder to remain steady and calm when all around us is chaos and heightened passions. This portion of scripture listed in Ephesians, chapter 6 verses 11-17, is about making sure your spiritual armor is intact, secure, and positioned correctly.  It begins with verse 10 and ends with verse 18 which the Spirit highlighted to me.  We must continually increase in power through divers prayer to have the endurance and steadiness to overcome through the mighty spiritual power of our inner man for ourselves and others.  When all around us, people are losing control of their sanity and emotions, unknowingly endangering themselves and others.  Remain prayerful and alert during this tumultuous time period we are living in by fastening firmly the armor of God designed for protection from deception and attack.  This will free you from doubt, anxiety, and fear of the unknown. There is no greater power than our Father’s authority flowing upon, around, and through us!

Ephesians 6:10,18 Finally, my brethren, be strong (to be empowered) in the Lord, and in the power (great vigor) of his might (forcefulness).18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching (keep awake, sleepless) thereunto with all perseverance (persistency) and supplication for all saints.

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I sensed the pleasure of the Father because we have not fainted as we’ve pursued Him in our calling as saints.

2 Corinthians 4:1; 15-18 Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not; 15 For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God. 16 ¶ For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. 17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; 18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.

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I didn’t get much yesterday, but when I went to the balcony after praying at the chronos gate for a time, I immediately saw this new expansive flow of water coming from under the throne in the corner opposite the sound booth.  So, I was welcoming the new flow of living waters to flow down into our sanctuary and out through the network.

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When in prayer, the Lord gave me this scripture Roman 12:2. And be not conformed to the world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what’s the good and acceptable, and perfect will of God.

Conform: Schema a derivative of Echo

This is a comprising of everything within a person’s heart and mind which strikes the senses, actions and manner.

The Father showed me as we move in His spirit we are changed into His likeness, when we willingly submit our hearts and character to His will and His desire for our lives. This is the will of the Father for us as we go forth to the nations and the world. We are to fashion ourselves into the mind and heart of Christ before we teach and befriend those God brings to us. This must become a lifestyle for the body of Christ.

As we echo Him, we will cleave, rend, and be fashioned into His patterns and into His likenesses. The enemy will be held at bay and not allowed to torment or interfere with what the True and Perfect will of the Father is for the Nations.

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I saw us (the saints) walking with Jesus through a wheat field. We were eating the grains as we walked. I was reminded how the Pharisees took the disciples to task for doing the same on the sabbath. We told the Father we were using the fruit from seeds we had sown in the past to prepare us for the new day we are going to enter. He was pleased that we understood the meaning He intended for observing the sabbath, not a legalistic ritual.

Matthew 25: 21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

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I saw the saints before His Throne and we were on our faces before Him praying and weeping in repentance. He arose and we were all trembling as He spoke. Then the earth began to tremble as well.

Isaiah 66:1-2 Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest? For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word.

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I was just feeling an overwhelming gratitude for the heavenly perspective given us by our Father….to view our challenges as sacrificial gifts we get to lay at His feet and share in the privilege of fruitful expectancy. We join HIM in turning those into towb for His Kingdom!

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God led me to the Hebrew word malat (H4422) – then to Isaiah 31:5 As birds flying, so will the LORD of hosts defend Jerusalem; defending also he will deliver it; and passing over he will preserve [malat] it. His mighty power, His swiftness, His protection. God is preserving and delivering His people by His creative ways. He is watching over, covering and defending.

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May His glory be seen and known by the people at these gatherings. Psalm 97:6 The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the people see his glory.

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John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. I declare that their focus and willingness will be to come ‘together’ to be true worshippers. May they walk their lives as these.

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This Saturday with challenges and opposition in my histemi. I was declaring in my intercession Psalm.29.2.

Give unto the Lord Yehovah the Glory due unto his Name; worship the Lord Yehovah in the beauty of holiness.

Let His kingdom come, His will be done.

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May 2024 Benin’s Report

I heard the word “attentive”.

Nehemiah 8:3 And he read therein before the street that was before the water gate from the morning until midday, before the men and the women, and those that could understand; and the ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law.

Ozen, which comes from azan, means to hear, to listen, to lend an ear.

It means paying attention, focusing on what God wants to do.

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May 2024 – Summary

As we approached His Throne, urging ourselves to go deeper into His heart, the Lord called us to enter His resting place in order to dwell there and serve Him from that place, swept up in His breath according to divine intent. (Pastor)

Truly, our conversation is in heaven where the Lord prepares us to welcome new things that eye has not seen and ear has not heard, to be humble vessels that He can use to confound the wise. We belong to Him, and we have nothing to fear (Teacher).

Partners in His fire, the Lord gives us the grace to abandon bitterness, to allow ourselves to be shaped in such a way as to be continually changed and transformed into the image of Christ so as to be ready for what’s to come, to pray in this sha’al dimension in this season when Adonai is positioning His sons and clothing them with His authority. (Prophet)

At the dawn of an incredible season of expansion in the nations, we exult in joy for what He is doing. United in agape, we function in the Spirit’s dunamis in partnership with the angels, releasing words of life that bring His light into places of darkness in preparation for the harvest (Evangelist).

Aware that it is only in Him and through Him that we lay down our lives in order to fully embrace our mission as sons, to move forward in faith and trust with a view to seizing our inheritance, not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts. (Apostle)

This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it… I will also clothe her priests with salvation: and her saints shall shout aloud for joy. There will I make the horn of David to bud: I have ordained a lamp for mine anointed. His enemies will I clothe with shame: but upon himself shall his crown flourish.

Psalm 132:14-18

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May 2024 – Report

As far as I was concerned, I felt it was Adonai I was praying to, it was a question of positioning and differentiation… I understood my vision this morning, I saw Daniel’s 3 friends thrown into the furnace (Daniel 3). It seems to me that the furnace represents a matrix of fire, I believe that Adonai calls His sons into a partnership of fire, He purifies us and sets us ablaze with power. I felt great joy because in this fire, His grace enables us to pray sha’al, to be clothed with authority to become in the likeness of Christ, seeds of life for our generation… then I took to heart Numbers 21 with Moses raising the brazen serpent. I believe Adonai calls us to lift up the powerful work of the cross in our lives where there is bitterness.

There was much joy and strength in that time.

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The Lord has placed the emphasis on Psalm 132, the wonderful song from David’s heart!

Psaume 132: 1 Lord, remember David, and all his afflictions: 2 How he sware unto the LORD, and vowed unto the mighty God of Jacob; 3 Surely I will not come into the tabernacle of my house, nor go up into my bed; 4 I will not give sleep to mine eyes, or slumber to mine eyelids, 5 Until I find out a place for the LORD, an habitation for the mighty God of Jacob. 6 Lo, we heard of it at Ephratah: we found it in the fields of the wood.7 We will go into his tabernacles: we will worship at his footstool. 8 Arise, O LORD, into thy rest; thou, and the ark of thy strength. 9 Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness; and let thy saints shout for joy. 10 For thy servant David’s sake turn not away the face of thine anointed. 11 The LORD hath sworn in truth unto David; he will not turn from it; Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne. 12 If thy children will keep my covenant and my testimony that I shall teach them, their children shall also sit upon thy throne for evermore. 13 For the LORD hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation. 14 This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it. 15 I will abundantly bless her provision: I will satisfy her poor with bread. 16 I will also clothe her priests with salvation: and her saints shall shout aloud for joy. 17 There will I make the horn of David to bud: I have ordained a lamp for mine anointed. 18 His enemies will I clothe with shame: but upon himself shall his crown flourish.

May my heart, our hearts have the same song, the same cry from the heart of David servant of the Lord, in these times when God calls us to His Place of rest. I want to enter into that rest, His rest, and I want to stay there and be able to serve Him carried away by His Breath, wherever and however He desires.

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As I was thanking the Father for all He has done for the Saints, especially remembering the work He is giving us through the gatherings in France and Brazil in the coming weeks, He put this hymn from Psalm 100 in my heart that I remember from my childhood and I was filled with joy. I really felt that this is what He wants us to embody, this joyful thanksgiving for all the amazing things He has done and for those He is going to do as He moves us forward:

I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart,

I will enter His courts with praise.

I will say this is the day that the Lord has made,

I will rejoice for He has made me glad.

He has made me glad,

He has made me glad,

I will rejoice for He has made me glad.

He has made me glad,

He has made me glad,

I will rejoice for He has made me glad.

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I am so aware at the moment of how it is only in Him, by Him and in complete dependency on Him that we can go forward into the new. So, we wait in expectation upon all that the Lord will do during the seminar.

Zechariah 4:6 Then he answered and spake unto me saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying. Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.

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During our intercession, I saw and strongly felt the presence of angels taking up position in the room where our Seminar will take place.

Glory be to God!

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My experience during our intercession time when we had a dialogue in divers tongues:

“We were in a place in Heaven and we were transacting business. We were taking orders and giving orders. Our conversations were heavenly and had an impact on earth.

There were many people who came to the sounds of tongues.

One person and I gave them water. Another reassured and taught them.

I called and a large crowd came.

When another joined the dialogue, she arrived like a locomotive and a crowd followed.  Her intercession was explosive.

At one point, I had to leave with the torch to show the way because many were in darkness and couldn’t see.

At the sight of the torch, a large crowd moved forward; I didn’t want to stop this time of prayer to allow others to come.

I felt a strong anointing several times. The Father honored our welcome with the spirit of grace and supplication.

We climbed a mountain. We were clothed with more authority and anointing.”


We have all received new and diverse languages.

We will be sure to speak words of grace to bless our environment and also our lives.

Father reminds us that we have nothing to worry about regarding our living circumstances, our health and our needs. Amen.

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“Do not dwell on the things of this world but look to me the Savior.”

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At first I heard, “Why do you always limit me?”

I replied, “Yes, Lord, I know we limit you in spite of ourselves, even though we say we have faith.”

I felt myself going down, down, down… There was a ladder, I climbed to the surface, there were different kinds of blue.

I feel the call to go deeper into His Heart.

I received many tongues and cries.

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Intercession for the United Kingdom. I found myself in Japan.

I saw the color purple, the color red. I heard the word hope.

At one point, I also had the impression of descending into the depths.

There were cries, sounds, it was like giving birth. There were burdens: it was powerful, heavy, burdensome and at times very painful. But then I could see them ascending to heaven and then, in a time of great rest, Alleluia!

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The Lord said: I am going to do new things that eyes have not seen, ears have not heard and the mind of man has not been able to imagine. Will you recognize them? Will you accept them?  For these are things that will astonish the world and also often shock many Christians, even those who think they are not religious. I will use the vile and rejected things of men to confound those who think themselves wise and intelligent in the world and in the church.

1 Corinthians 1:26 For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: 27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; 28 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:

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A few trumpet sounds, 2 or 3 roars, a lot of impartations of holy breaths from the Father’s Heart.

We were going into a new depth, but an intense Peace was being breathed.

I could see large drops of golden oil falling on everyone, and we were clothed in a brand-new mantle of golden Glory from head to toe.

We walked as if weightless, our steps in His footsteps at the same rhythm. Our visions became more expansive, our strength unceasingly renewed. In a movement of death to self, resurrection, ascent and glorification, transfiguration…

Agape Love was released by the Breath for a very long time to unite His Body and love the lost.

God’s supernatural faith for signs, wonders and miracles. Many angels are sent for the harvest of the harvest.

Psalm 126:1 When the LORD turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream. 2 Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The LORD hath done great things for them. 3 The LORD hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad. 4 Turn again our captivity, O LORD, as the streams in the south. 5 They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. 6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.

Our feet grew and we could move forward with greater ease. We could thank the Lord for guarding us, protecting us during these times of challenge, tests of faith. Beneficial times, that had enlarged us, transformed us even more into His Image. Our tents had been enlarged and our poles strengthened.

Isaiah 52:6 Therefore shall my people know my name; therefore shall they know in that day that it is I who speak: here am I! 7 How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good tidings, who publishes peace! Of him who brings good tidings, Who publishes salvation! Of him who says to Zion: Your God reigns! 8 The voice of your watchmen is heard; They lift up their voice, They shout together; For with their own eyes they see That the Lord brings back Zion.

The power of dunamis was released with the Word “be strong and mighty, for I give you the Nations as your inheritance. It will no longer be by your own strength or by your own carnal power, but by that of My Spirit”. We’re going to gain time in that time.

Acts 1:7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power. 8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. 9 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.

Then I could hear the Father’s Heart beating with Power and strength.

Eternity invaded time.

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