November 2024
Dear Saints,
Certain junctures of time seem to hold greater significance than others. Our current alignment within the plan of God is certainly one of those greater moments.
As we come to prayer on this First Saturday in November, the Saints Network is lifting up a team currently in ministry in Brasil. At the same time, our nation is in the midst of one of the most crucial elections in its storied history. What is decided next Tuesday will have a great impact on the world, both naturally and spiritually. And, we are at the beginning of a spiritual year which is ripe with great expansion for our calling as Saints.
As you can see, this First Saturday prayer time is one wherein we desperately need to seek the Lord. May God anoint each of us in new ways as intercessors, activating the dynamic of His Spirit within us in accordance with the appointed task at hand.
At the conclusion of your intercession, Saints in France please submit your insights to
Saints in all other nations, please submit your insights to us here at
The Interpretation Group
The Saints Network—The Father’s Church, Dallas, Texas