September 2021
Greetings Saints!
These are strategic days in the Kingdom. It is a privilege to serve our heavenly Father together with the Saints.
Having made it through the tumultuous month of August, we are now positioned for the ingathering of the Saints Network in Dallas. The Feast of the Lord (September 14 – 18) is to be a time of offering ourselves to God for commissioning and direction. It is also a time for obediently and willingly submitting our pneumatikos sacrifices to Him. Whether the Saints are on site physically, or virtually via the web, this is a kairos moment of great importance.
In conjunction with what the Feast of the Lord entails, we must begin the month of September on this First Saturday with humility and contrition. As we gather before the Throne of God on September 4, let us all give thanks to Him for the privilege of serving Him. And, may we present ourselves in total submission to Him, in repentance for the sins which so readily surround us. May we be aware of how important our assigned role is before our Lord, and may we commit ourselves to whatever He requires, now and in the future.
We must enter His gates with thanksgiving for all He has done, and also for the glorious enablement to serve Him. We may also conduct prophetic ministry in gleaning His ways as we praise Him for what He intends to accomplish.
God still looks for an intercessor before He moves majestically. He still shares His heart with His prophetic friends before He does anything. Let us be those intercessors and friends who draw near to Him on this First Saturday!
At the conclusion of your intercession, Saints in France please submit your insights to
Saints in all other nations, please submit your insights to us here at
The Interpretation Group
The Saints Network—The Father’s Church, Dallas, Texas